This is one of the best reviews I've seen. Shows different games being run on different CPU's with 9800XT's and X800 PROs.
Amazing, how in most games the X800 PRO doesn't give much of a benefit over the 9800XT on CPUs below 3200+! Only in the Athlon 64s does it seem to make a huge difference.
The only time the X800 PRO walks away on 3200+ or less CPUs is when the game is very shader limited and easy on the AI (like Tomb Raider 2), or when heavy AA and AF are used.
Surprisingly though, lots of shader heavy games are still CPU limited (Like Far Cry)
At Firingsquad:
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>
Amazing, how in most games the X800 PRO doesn't give much of a benefit over the 9800XT on CPUs below 3200+! Only in the Athlon 64s does it seem to make a huge difference.
The only time the X800 PRO walks away on 3200+ or less CPUs is when the game is very shader limited and easy on the AI (like Tomb Raider 2), or when heavy AA and AF are used.
Surprisingly though, lots of shader heavy games are still CPU limited (Like Far Cry)
At Firingsquad:
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
<b>Radeon <font color=red>9500 PRO</b></font color=red> <i>(hardmodded 9500, o/c 340/310)</i>
<b>AthlonXP <font color=red>~2750+</b></font color=red> <i>(2400+ @2.2Ghz)</i>
<b>3dMark03: <font color=red>4,055</b>