Great PC low fps

Oct 13, 2018
Have A PC i built myself, SPECS: Core I7-8700, 16gb gskill ripjaws V 3200, GTX 1070 founders edition. the problem is in most games i get hard fps drops. makes any fps game unplayable. even on the lowest settings it still does the same thing.
List your specs like so:

How old is the PSU? Which games are you playing? Please don't include an etc at the end of that sentence. Have you made sure you're on the latest BIOS update for your motherboard? You may also want to try and uninstall your GPU drivers and reinstall them with the latest found off of Nvidia's support site.

Fortnite, Rainbow 6 Siege, Rust, Human Fall Flat, DayZ, and most recently Black Ops 4...
i used Msi Aftreburner (suggested by a friend) FPS constant is 60 but dips down 10 to 15+ frames rendering it useless to play.

CPU: I7-8700k
Motherboard: MSI Z370 Gaming Pro Carbon
Ram: 16Gb Gskill ripjaw V 3200mhz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 Founders edition
PSU:EVGA Super nova 650w 80+gold
Chassis:NZXT s340 elite
OS: windows 10 home 64bit

power supply is 5 months old. I will check the Bios for the latest update

You need to figure out if this is a hardware or software or both issue. Since you say that game settings don't matter I suggest you try a few basic experiments. Run your game in a window and open up windows task manager at the same time. watch the processes tab while you play and see if anything unusual takes place when you have the frame drops. Then repeat this experiment while watching the performance tab. This might give some clue about what is going on.