Green flickering pixels on TV via HDMI cable


Dec 15, 2014

I have a 42" TV connected to my video card via the HDMI port. After installing the most recent AMD drivers(14.12), I'm seeing green flickering pixels in dark areas of the screen.

Here's what I have ruled out so far:
HDMI Cable problems(bought a new one this morning)
Bad HDMI port(tried all 3 on the TV with the old and new cable)
Bad GPU(I have 2 R9 270 cards, NOT in a crossfire setting, they are in 2 different computers, so I took out one from a working PC and put it in the one with the TV, same problem)
Changing gamma settings on the TV, and just about everything else seemed to do nothing.

The only thing I'm left with is that it's a bad display, but I have no way of testing that as I have no consoles to hook it up to or a cable box or anything. There is another monitor connected to this PC via DVI and it does not have this problem.

While I'm leaning towards bad display, I wanted to see if anyone had any insight. I've Googled until my fingers bled and found no real solution.

Here's my full specs:
CPU: i5 3570K 3.4GHz
GPU: Radeon R9 270
Windows 8.1
Latest Catalyst drivers(14.12)

One thing I neglected to mention: whenever I force the TV to 'refresh', for instance, after changing pixel format in AMD catalyst, the problem goes away for a while. It could be anywhere between half an hour to 2 hours.
I tried that, and it only frustrated me a bit more. While the driver was uninstalled the issue was gone, but for incredibly obvious reasons I need video drivers. During the installation procedure, the green pixels would start happening again, and every time the screen flickered they'd go away briefly.

Years of experience would suggest that if the display is screwed, I'd be seeing green flickering pixels during boot as well, but I do not.

This is driving me insane.

Turning brightness and contrast up seems to help, but by the time they're all removed, I'm looking at a blinding screen. I've been messing with the Catalyst settings for about 2 hours now and some things help. I'm trying to find a good balance between no green pixels and not making my display look like total shit. I don't suppose Catalyst has a 'turn annoying-as-shit green pixels off' option, so I'll just have to keep messing with this.