Green square glitches and errors on my screen

You can restart the display driver instead of rebooting. in Win7: right click Computer (on desktop) -> Properties -> Device Manager (left menu) -> display adapters -> double click your display adapter -> driver tab -> disable. Screen will flicker and probably change resolution. then choose "enable" button to re-enable the driver.

the only time it seems to happen is after playing bf4, i ahve to restart my PC to get rid of them, doesn;t happen any other time.

And i've not OC'd my card at all.
You can restart the display driver instead of rebooting. in Win7: right click Computer (on desktop) -> Properties -> Device Manager (left menu) -> display adapters -> double click your display adapter -> driver tab -> disable. Screen will flicker and probably change resolution. then choose "enable" button to re-enable the driver.