wanamingo :
Then would God reject everyone that didn't accept JC as their lord and savior, and send them to eternal damnation in hell?
Is there wiggle room?
I cannot be too sure if there is wiggle room. I am not the judge here. Reefer to God for any questions. ds.
The theology is that those who
chose not to accept Him, have left themselves in the dark. We are already dead,( spiritually and physically,) and through Christ who conquered death had given those who accept Him, life. We are doomed to our sins we have committed. It is not that God is a jerk, far from it. It is the fact that we are creatures who fixate on ourselves more than necessary that on what the Lord wants us to do...Love one another and Him.
That is Christs message: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; love your neigbour as yourself.
Waling 400,000 miles on broken glass wont do it...sorry. Praying 40 hail mary's, 40 our fathers, and 20 glory be's wont as well. Baptizing yourself for personal salvation wont work either.
We have limits. Those limits are placed upon ourselves. We have the capability to do many things...we are too stupid to not break those barriers we built. God did not make the barriers. If so, science would not exist. We would not have the transistor...we would not be communicating.
If you say I have no proof of His existence...great news! Faith requires no PH.D in anything. My place is to tell you the great news...not force it down yoru throat. If you feel I have not done enough...I have failed you.
If you need further answers, there are many who will have it. Ask, and you shall receive! God will not withhold you...the lottery is a toss up though...sorry.