Greenland is melting, 50ft waves?

Well, just trying to be like the media, and sensationalise.
This happens every 150 years, its not unpresidented, no great mysteries.
So, the headings on all these reports should have read, once again, Greenlands ice sheet melts, but then again, you wont get hits
As it could have since the water was lower, every 150 years.
I guess trying to nip this in the bud as business as usual wont be easy.
If a tree falls in the forest, does it make any sound when no ones around?
If weve never had these observations, is this why it didnt happen?

Understanding the world around us shouldnt push us in new directions unless youre certain it needs to be done.
Right now, thats the question, and bringing up common occurances is not enough to sway the truth

Then you have just solved the issue of global warming. Congratulations!

Here is your Nobel Prize for Science.

What we are observing as a global temperature crisis is a normal evolutionary system of a cycling universe. I believe that nature has been made to go through a series of cycles to retain equilibrium. Without such changes, the universe will not have the capabilities to retain property, or life in that case. God has made weird things we cannot explain, here is one of them.

I am all for cleaning up our environment, I am not an environmentalist. I am not a scientist. I am an average Joe who see's the beauty God has made. That too hard to state as fact? No? Then your own opinions are also invalid.

We will see a warming trend for a long time. I speculate between 2030-2050 we will see a plateau. After that, brace yourselves...we will get cold! 😛

Of course! Its the hand of God in action and therefore we are wasting our time, amazing insight!

What if you devoted your life to something that doesn't exist?

I can understand your view but what if you view it this way? A human life spent devoting oneself to a God that doesn't exist is a waste of a life in that they did nothing to contribute to the progression of the human race. What if the next Einstein devoted his life to religion instead of science? Isn't that a terrible loss in that their potential was wasted and the loss on humanity as a whole?
If he lived a happy life, followed his religion, which may have required to help the poor or the infirm, treat others like you yourself would like to be treated, and was not only successful in this, but also in his endeavors, all the while giving credit to his creator, then, am I missing something?
In my experience and readings, God helps, not hinders, and if this wasnr so, and there were no God, then surely theres no loss

Funny, many people who contributed to science and the advancement of the human race believed in a deity.

Need I go into their names? Even some were killed for saying the truth of what God had made.

Yes, I believe in both heaven and a hell.

That is not up to me. I am not the judge, jury and executioner.

The Christian faith states that redemption of a soul is through the Lord Jesus Christ, who has died for all...even those of who are of a different theological perspective. Believe the lord is the Messiah, who has died for you; he is the Lord your God, whom loves you dearly.

Again, it is not my place to tell you who will enter heaven and who will rest in hell.

Then would God reject everyone that didnt accept JC as their lord and savior, and send them to eternal damnation in hell?

Is there wiggle room?

Why do you assume he had a happy life, or that he helped the poor or the infirm. Why do you think that he treated others well and was successful? You are missing something huge JDJ, the fact that just because this man was pious does not mean he did any of these things. What if the entire time he was following this religion he felt like he was wasting his life, what if he had no choice but to follow it because of those around him? The fact that you assume he lived a happy life and all those other assumptions only goes to show how closed your mind is to this subject.

Funny, how when they reached the pinnacle of their respective fields and were faced with the unexplainable, they deferred to God just as you did.
Wow! This thread has diverged FAR from the what the title suggests...

Anyway, some interesting info regarding the Greenland ice sheets...
- During the age of the dinosaurs up until 65 million years ago, carbon dioxide levels and temperatures were higher, and mean annual temperature were estimated to have exceeded 14C, with evidence of crocodile-like creatures at Greenland latitudes.
- ice sheets started to form on least 38 million years ago
- Greenland ice cores appear to have recorded quite clearly a pattern of climate oscillations over periods of thousands of years
- for the next hundred years it appears the Greenland ice sheet will continue to shrink in response to climate changes

Seems to me that the Greenland ice sheets are following some sort of pattern of shrinking and growing over the past several thousands of years.

OK, first word if, whos assuming here?
Also, if, if his religion calls for him to do the things I said, helping the poor etc

Now, if he didnt really believe, and he didnt follow his religion, then possibly he could be unhappy.
If he had helped the poor, satisfaction and joy is there for him, or again, he isnt truly putting his heart into his religion.
If he is still unsatisfied doing these things, and those things do not lift his heart, then he may as well be an atheist.

@ chunky,
Exactly, and is why this made up, over the top announcement, using words such as unprecedented etc is nothing more than a poor attempt at grabbing headline, demeans our science, our capabilities and our current understanding and knowledge or what we already know, all in the name of money, and politics

I cannot be too sure if there is wiggle room. I am not the judge here. Reefer to God for any questions. ds.

The theology is that those who chose not to accept Him, have left themselves in the dark. We are already dead,( spiritually and physically,) and through Christ who conquered death had given those who accept Him, life. We are doomed to our sins we have committed. It is not that God is a jerk, far from it. It is the fact that we are creatures who fixate on ourselves more than necessary that on what the Lord wants us to do...Love one another and Him.

That is Christs message: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; love your neigbour as yourself.

Waling 400,000 miles on broken glass wont do it...sorry. Praying 40 hail mary's, 40 our fathers, and 20 glory be's wont as well. Baptizing yourself for personal salvation wont work either.

We have limits. Those limits are placed upon ourselves. We have the capability to do many things...we are too stupid to not break those barriers we built. God did not make the barriers. If so, science would not exist. We would not have the transistor...we would not be communicating.

If you say I have no proof of His existence...great news! Faith requires no PH.D in anything. My place is to tell you the great news...not force it down yoru throat. If you feel I have not done enough...I have failed you.

If you need further answers, there are many who will have it. Ask, and you shall receive! God will not withhold you...the lottery is a toss up though...sorry. :??:

You mean many humbly refer to God as who has given the truthful perspective to them?

He does. There is too much crap we deal with in this world that we do not see it.
Ever had a parent watch you struggle? It was painful; however, did you learn something?
Ever had someone die in you life. Too much for the human mind to process.
Ever has a question eating you up...?

There is too much for us to handle in this world. Live and learn. Find solace in each other. Find someone in pain and comfort them. There is where you will find God's love.