Grid of rainbow dots/freezing/bsod with "video scheduler internal error" every time I play games


Nov 29, 2016
Please... someone help. After my computer stopped posting completely after countless crashes and blue screens saying a graphics driver error, I rma'd my motherboard. Same problem so I sent in my graphics card. I got it back and it now boots up but when I try to game, I get odd grids and dots and it freezes and then I get a blue screen. What does this mean? Could it be the video cable or actually a video card error after hey just repaired it? The blue screen error says "video scheduler internal error" there's more information about my problems in my previous thread. Thank you.
Does your CPU have integrated graphics? If so, pull out the card and see if you still get artifacts (it might run like crap compared to the GPU but that's not what you're testing).