
Aug 15, 2013
I'm looking to buy a GSYNC monitor in the semi-near future. (Sept 2015.) I do realize by that time prices may lower and new models will come out, I will be sure to see how it plays out, but for the mean time, these 2 monitors have intrigued me.

I'm only looking for a small monitor (these two are 24'), and 1080p will suffice for me, as well as the 144Hz refresh rate for both.

Looking at specs and reviews for both, I found generally the same features. Both are said to have great color reproduction and viewing angles for a TN panel, artificial crosshairs provided by the monitor, ULMB, stuff like that. The only real difference I can see is the $450 AOC price tag vs the $600 BENQ price tag.

Please enlighten me, why is the BENQ $150 more? What makes it worth buying over the AOC?
There both great but the AOC looks a little better my friend has 2 of these monitor and there stunning and with Gsync running things will look amazing, the benq looks good to not gonna lie but go with the Gsync

Well of course I've got an Nvidia card if I'm looking to buy GSYNC. In fact, I'm looking to upgrade to a 970 from my 760, as it has problems chugging out frames on some of the games I play.

I'm simply asking what features or specifications make the BENQ better than the AOC.
Well, mostly its features. The benq is a "hybrid" monitor as they say (has 2 modes, a normal one and a gsync one), while the AOC one has only 1 display port, the other has a full set of ports like the other non g-sync ones have.
Then, its the S-switch the benq has that adds something more to the cost as well and last, AOC products have always been one step cheper that the competition, having more simple products that do the job they need to do.