GT 1030 on a eMachines T5082


Nov 23, 2017
I am wondering if a GT 1030 could work properly on my T5082 computer. this is a project of mine, I'ma change the Pentium 4 631 that came stock with it to a Core 2 Quad Q9550, also I'm waiting on my 2GB of Ram which is (2X1). and i also changed the power supply from a Delta inc to a insignia 550W. but right now the specs are

CPU: Pentium 4 631 @ 3.0GHz
Ram: 1506MB
GPU: ATI Xpress 200 ( its is crap )
OS: Windows 7 64bit
PCI: x2
PCIe x16: 1

Hopefully i won't have any problems with this build, wish me luck.
I notice that 2gb is the max amount of system ram supported. Keep that limitation in mind. Of new videocards, the 1030 is the one most likely to work. Have you considered a used card? Maybe something like an AMD HD 7770 or HD 7870? That would put you in GT 1030 performance territory with maximum compatibility. Make sure the power supply has the necessary connectors. No SATA right? That's too bad, even a cheap SSD would help a lot in a system like that. eMachines, ha, I haven't heard that name in a while.

it has a ssd and it has sata the motherboard. I'm trying to run GTA IV on like Medium settings. but ill look into it. (edit: The HD 7870 looks good but too pricey for me.)