GT 730 on generic PSU???


Sep 3, 2014
My friend has asked me to suggest a nice gpu for light gaming for $50.
And i'm considering both Gt 730 and R7 240.But his PSU is almost the worst thing i've ever seen:

It's just 250w but both the gpus are not very power hungry so will it work with this PSU?
the psu is cheap and bad but should be enough for the gt 730, 750 or a r7 250, all of them will use only 70 watts from the pci express slot

the r7 240 is weak and expensive, omit that option
Thanks for the quik respone guys!!!
His pc is not very power hungry he has a haswell i3 , 4gb ddr3 ram and 500gb HDD.
He's not into overclocking anything and only wants to do some light gaming
so are telling that it's a safe bet?
safe? no, but proceed

if he starts to see sudden restarts or temperature poblems or the psu fan spinning fast, he will need a psu, a 430watts minimum, a decent evga or corsair psu recomend him to get

which is better the r7 250 or gt 740?
one sites says gt740, others say r7 250

probably gt is a bit faster, both will give you alot and the price is very affordable, don't get a gt 730, there is 3 models and one of them is not good