Question GT710 2GB on Asus P5G-MX

Mar 14, 2023
Hello, I have an Asus P5G-MX motherboard and a gt710 2gb DDR3 64bit from Palit video card. With the video card removed from the PC, I get image on the monitor, from the integrated intel card. But with the gt710 mounted I don't get any picture at all... Do I need to install any driver first? I tried with an older video card, something from amd, and it's working. Thanks for any answers!

Means the GPU is dead.
Hello, i found the issue. With the gt710 mounted, power up, I wait about 1 minute with black screen, and then the pc restarts and gets signal from the video card. I've looked through the bios, and didn't find any settings to fix this issue. It's annoying to wait that much time to boot... Do you know what I can do? With another amd video card, I got signal from the begining and didn't have to wait. Thakns for help and sorry for being late.
With the gt710 mounted, power up, I wait about 1 minute with black screen, and then the pc restarts and gets signal from the video card. I've looked through the bios, and didn't find any settings to fix this issue. It's annoying to wait that much time to boot... Do you know what I can do?

Replace the defective GPU. There is no "fixing" it.

As of why it works after ~1 min of being powered, it could need the "warming up" (capacitors, mosfets etc). But no sound GPU ever needs to warm up, to be in working condition.