GT72VR Dominator Pro Laptop MSI - BIOS Update Failure


Jun 30, 2014
I have been having some frame rate issues and was told to update my BIOS. Upon doing so I have come across another problem. No matter what I do with the BIOS update file, the bios will not update. Here is a picture of what happens after I confirm the update.


Pls Help
Make sure you have the latest driver for your GPU installed. What are you using to monitor CPU and GPU temps? It actually sounds like you have a classic case of temperature throttling.
Just exactly who told you to update your BIOS? If that info didn't come directly from MSI, then ignore it. BIOS has never affected frame rates.

I suspect you are trying to install the wrong BIOS, and thankfully, your computer won't let you.
Ok, Thank you for that information. Do you have any ideas for what I should do instead??

What happens is kinda weird, I basically will load into a game play it for a while and then it will gradually become unplayable.

I'm also certain that it is not a temp issue. The temps stay the exact same throughout the entire gameplay session.
Make sure you have the latest driver for your GPU installed. What are you using to monitor CPU and GPU temps? It actually sounds like you have a classic case of temperature throttling.