GTA 5 1440p Ultra Requirements


Dec 26, 2014
So, with the release of gta 5 i decided to upgrade to a 1440
resolution with a beast monitor (rog swift)
And as the title explains I want to play it at ultra settings (which means that every graphics setting is maxed out, with the exception that i really don't need msaa at 8x, 4x or 2x is past enough.
What do you suggest as a graphics setup?


A Titan X was not enough to "max" the game like you say at 1440p...

However if you turn off MSAA completely and maybe dial filtering down one or Grass Quality down one, a 980 Ti will use your screens Gsync and give you consistent 100FPS+

This is even when it gets dense in a forest or city.

Or wait till mid June and see if Radeon Fury X if for you...
GTX 970 should be able to manage that; though, it won't keep up long term. GTA 5 maxed out on 1440p would but the GTX 970 close to it's peak performance. A GTX 980 would handle it great, BUT if you were to SLI two (2) GTX 970's you would get even better performance over a single GTX 980 and for the same cost, or even less. Furthermore, SLI GTX 970's would be able to handle up to 4K easily and be able to play ANY top game for the next 2-3 years.

Overall, I recommend SLI GTX 970's for the BEST performance/cost ratio. You could start with one GTX 970, then add the other later on when the price drops and still have your PC keep up with any top game for the next 2-3 years.



The 970 won't do it as well you like Titan X / 980 Ti are being put to their knees on the settings OP details
When it comes to overall performance, yes you are correct. But when compared to performance/cost ratio, the GTX 970's and eventually the GTX 970 SLI...the performance/cost ratio becomes much better.

If you are going for PURE PERFORMANCE, regardless of budget yes he is correct. BUT if you want to get the best VALUE, I believe the GTX 970's SLI is best right now.



At 1440p you are already testing the 970's Vram limits in most AAA titles with everything dialled up. Add in the infamous SLI microstutters and scaling problems (2x 970 is not 100% or even 80% extra power, sometimes it is less than 10-20%!!!), it is not as good a proposition as you say. I would rather forgo an SLI issues and having a juicy power bill, extra heat (clearly noticeable) and noise to have a single card like a 980 TI which will still perform the task in hand with far less sacrifices.

OP is not looking for value for money, else I would have adapted my answer. The 980 Ti however still represents better overall value imo, with real world factors calculated in.

He specifies "ULTRA" settings on a high resolution and that card will give it to him regardless.


Feb 16, 2015
I have GTX 970 Sli with i7 5960x. I am running 1440p ultra settings on gta 5. You dont need the i7 5960x.. I5 4690k will do on cpu and GTX 970 sli will do for the ultra settings. Hope that helps. Oh btw i get 60FPS no problem

Thank you for confirming I opinion. People just want to push for overkill on their systems, by all means no issues with that as I used to as well. But if you stop and look at price/performance, the GTX 970 SLI really is an amazing option without breaking the bank. Sure with GTX Titan X or GTX 980 Ti SLI you will get well over 100 FPS on those setting most likely, but do you really notice a difference after 60 FPS?

Just stuff to think about, but if you want PURE PERFORMANCE and cash to spare, the GTX 980 Ti SLI will SLAUGHTER ANYTHING you can throw at it :)


not you

May 14, 2015
yes well bencmarks always push further than what you actually need and the gtx 970 is a great card no doubt but still sli is not too great improvement now
but that might change with directx 12

i would go for a single gtx 970 or maybe a 980 ti the one your budget let and sli later if you need it
(or wait for amd cards if you can)

i would not go for a sli setup right away that is something that you can always upgrade later if you want if you do it now you have no room to upgrade later


Feb 16, 2015
With GTX 980 TI coming out I would go with the single card solution. When I purchased mine my choices were to go either GTX 980 or GTX 970 SLI.. Obviously my choice was GTX 970 SLI for the performance to price ratio. Also, Have in mind direct X12 is coming out soon and that can change bunch of scenarios. At this point you will use up to 4gb vram with the gtx 970 sli vs 6gb of vram on gtx 980 ti.. but to answer your question both option will run GTA 5 ultra settings on 1440p resolution.



Here is how 970 in SLI works on GTA 5...You are looking at the Orange graphs for 1440p

A SINGLE 980 Ti outperforms (on average min/max) 2x 970.

Please wake up people and smell the facts!


Feb 16, 2015

Dude are you blind? GTX 970 SLI 49.5 average GTX 980 ti 46.4 average.. Also, fyi The guy ask what is the gta 5 ultra requirements. I said both works.
Overall, most people agree with me that the GTX 970 will work for GTA 5 and GTX 970 SLI will work even better for high resolution. Also, the GTX 970 IS A 4GB, not 3.5GB like some claim. The last 500MB of VRAM is slower VRAM and does not perform the same so when the last 500MB is used, it slows the system a little limiting the performance. That is why 970 SLI would work well as VRAM does not stack, but each card handles half the rendering.

The GTX 980Ti is a GREAT card, but is a bit of overkill and you can save more money with the GTX 970.