gta 5 game issue.

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Dec 16, 2013
hello frinds

in my laptop i have
intel i7
nvidia 820m 2gb
8gb ram

the issue is when i open gta 5 its shows blink than nothing..

its happens always (open as administor,etc minor thing cheked)

i dont know what to do bcoz its not showing any error just blak blink and nothing

i have installed latest driver,direct x 11,visual++ 2013,2008 etc..
I had this just reinstall but make sure Gta is out side of any Program files folders eg (program files x86). it should work fine. i don't think your system is too weak i have a spare system running a old amd Athlon quad core and gtx 460 and it can run Gta on low. hope this helps
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