gta 5 on intel g640

The CPU is fine for gaming on GTA 5 but i'm afraid you will need a GPU for it to run the graphics of it, i would personally recommend a GTX 1050 Ti or a GTX 1060 3GB / 6GB. After you got either one of these GPU's it should work fine with Medium/High settings @60FPS
The CPU is fine for gaming on GTA 5 but i'm afraid you will need a GPU for it to run the graphics of it, i would personally recommend a GTX 1050 Ti or a GTX 1060 3GB / 6GB. After you got either one of these GPU's it should work fine with Medium/High settings @60FPS
If your preferred settings is 480p low, unplayable then yes. Otherwise it is unadvisable, will propabaly cause overheating. Unless you buy a new graphics card. I would reccomend anything from the $130 to higher range. An AMD RX 560 works great.