A few days ago, i bought the GTA V. Every day since, i couldn´t play it because it would crash every time. My card´s drivers (specs below) are updated and i reinstalled the game. I need some help.
AMD ryzen 5 1600
XFX RX570 4gb
MOBO: A320M-K Asus
RAM: 8 gigs Crucial Balistix
EDIT: When i lowered the settings to medium, i managed to play for 5 minutes. Then it crashed.
A few days ago, i bought the GTA V. Every day since, i couldn´t play it because it would crash every time. My card´s drivers (specs below) are updated and i reinstalled the game. I need some help.
AMD ryzen 5 1600
XFX RX570 4gb
MOBO: A320M-K Asus
RAM: 8 gigs Crucial Balistix
EDIT: When i lowered the settings to medium, i managed to play for 5 minutes. Then it crashed.