GTA V Graphics Integrated

If you can get it to start at all, it's not likely to be a pleasant gaming experience. The CPU is weak and the integrated GPU is weak for even an integrated GPU (the low-end Sandy Bridges have just about the weakest Intel HD Graphics version available).

Realistically, you'd need to upgrade the CPU, the GPU, probably the power supply if you upgrade the GPU, and ought to be on 8 GB of RAM. The basic problem is that this simply isn't a gaming rig, but a basic productivity PC from 5 years ago, so any upgrade to make it a competent 2017 gaming PC will involve a major overhaul that will be most of the cost of a new PC anyway.
That's going to depend very heavily on which exact CPU you have. If it's an old Core 2 Duo, or one of AMD's older APUs, it's not going to work without a GPU upgrade at absolute minimum, though a CPU upgrade would also be advisable. If this is a newer dual core, it might run, but performance will be pretty bad without a GPU upgrade. Please post more detailed system specs, like exact model of CPU, motherboard, power supply.
If you can get it to start at all, it's not likely to be a pleasant gaming experience. The CPU is weak and the integrated GPU is weak for even an integrated GPU (the low-end Sandy Bridges have just about the weakest Intel HD Graphics version available).

Realistically, you'd need to upgrade the CPU, the GPU, probably the power supply if you upgrade the GPU, and ought to be on 8 GB of RAM. The basic problem is that this simply isn't a gaming rig, but a basic productivity PC from 5 years ago, so any upgrade to make it a competent 2017 gaming PC will involve a major overhaul that will be most of the cost of a new PC anyway.

You need a discrete graphics card.
I recommend the GTX 1050 or RX 460, whichever is cheaper, this will allow you to get a good 1080p30 FPS or in certain lighter games 60 FPS.
They are about US$100.
You also need to get more RAM as 4GB is quite low for cureent builds. 8GB will be good.
A stick of 4GB now costs around US$30. You would want 1600MHz DDR3 RAM or faster. CAS Latency of 10 or lower will be good for 1600MHz.

Your CPU is quite weak given its low clock rate, significantly old architecture and (especially) few cores. You could theoretically get a playable 30 FPS-45FPS+ since this CPU is equivalent to a FX 4300 in single thread performance.If you want better performance you can try BCLK overclocking