GTA V lag with i5vpro.


Feb 13, 2016
Hello everyone,

I've just bought a new laptop HP elitebook 8460p.

Intel i5 2.60Ghz
8.00gb ram (2x4)
Intel HD graphics 3000.

I installed gta v, hoping with that specs that i could run it with lowest settings at least with no lag. But im getting lag when driving car, and such. Like 1st mission run awesome,but then second with driving car is pretty unplayable. I have read forums,and i know that intel hd graph is bad,but isn't 8gb ram helping it at all? Because when i play and look at task manager my CPU usage never goes more then 20%. why is that? Also i have like 3-4gb ram free free. Are there any solutions?
just to mention as well in game on settings where it shows how much graph is used and u can use it says like 800mb/1700. so im using half of it but it still lags.

Drivers are all up to date... and i am playing it all on lowest settings. I tried setting priority to high as well,didn't help. cpu didnt go over 20% and i had lags when driving.
its a pretty bad pc man nothing really else to say.
hd 3000 is a few years old and is an igpu so it wasnt even good back then and you are trying to play a game that came out recently.
only tip i can really offer is turn everything low as it can possibly go resolution also and if you are playing singleplayer and not online go look at some performance mods to help.
Whichever resolution I put it on it's same. lowest,highest... not changing anything.
toot, i already turned everything low and tried some perfomance mods,they didn't really help.
I'm just wondering why isn't it using cpu at all.

its because your igpu is the bottleneck
nothing else to say man you are not going to be able to run it


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