I wanted to know if my pc would have any difficulty running GTA V on PC. System requirements says i have above minimum. Here is my build http://austinnotduncan.com/builds/proton/
Deleted member 1272578
Your PC is a little weak, but it'll run the game no doubt. I wouldn't bother asking how well unreleased games will perform because nobody knows.
you should be able to run it at lowest settings and a low resolution with that... if your gona buy that do yourself a favor and get this too http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500349&cm_re=gtx_750_ti-_-14-500-349-_-Product
if you get the gpu I recommended you should be able to run it at medium-high settings assuming it is optimized well. if it is like watch dogs the build without the gpu I recommend wont be able to run it at all...