GTA V PC File Transfer from one PC to another PC: HOW TO

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Nov 14, 2013
So I was searching online on how to transfer the PC version to another PC with out having to download the tremendous file; however I got no results than people wondering how. I figured out how to do this with the non-steam version and the steam version is much more straight forward with the backing up method.

1.Make sure GTA V on the installed PC works FLAWLESSLY. the last thing you want is a corrupted gta V on two computers instead of one.
2.Load the game at least once to make sure ALL the files are created.
3.You will need a storage drive that can hold GTA V plus a little extra.
4. Copy the following files to the storage drive:
C:\Users\(username of computer 1)\Documents\Rockstar Games
C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V
OPTIONAL but just in case
C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games
(if you changed the dirrectory for these files find them and place them in the correct location)
5.On the PC that you are copying files TO and install social club using the download link below
6.Follow the instructions and install social club and close it after installation.
7.copy to the user info from the old computer to the new computer into the documents. This should allow the user to continue playing GTA V from where they left off in single player.
copy this:
C:\Users\(username of computer 1)\Documents\Rockstar Games
into this:
C:\Users\(username of computer 1)\Documents
8.Copy the GTA V game from C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V
into the file C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\
9.Check if social club is installed correctly and is the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Rockstar Games is about 78.0 mbs.
10.If it is not copy the updated version from the computer with GTA V on it into the folder
11. CRITICAL!!!!!! log in to social club on the web browser of your choice and then go to
and click download for windows for GTA V. This is only 150 mbs and will save A LOT of time over the 60 GB.
12. Proceed to install GTA V using the installer. This will install C++ and DirectX that wont be installed if you just copied the game directly over.
13. If done correctly it should have a 53mb update and complete and say that GTA V is ready to play.

This process may seem complicated however I was able to do it in 20 min with copying over using SSDs. and it is also much faster than downloading the whole 60 GBs.

But what about just save data?

What if i just want to move them from my hard drive to my ssd how do i do that because everytime i open it up it starts installing 60Gb

when you begin the instalation in step 11-13 with verification change the location of your file to the SSD this should move it to the ssd with out further issues

First save the game by sleeping in a bed this will popup a menu and make one of your fifty saves BEFORE copying anything. saves should be located in the documents folder that rockstar created and should be able to load a save from that.

I always like to inform other people and since this is a new game many people in the future will have this issue. I would recommend the game to try out and is worth the 60 dollars just for looking at!
Alas I don't have the time. Instead, when munching meals I just watch
Bluedrake42's uploads. 😀


One of my favourites. 😀

If I really do have some spare time, atm I'm playing Elite Dangerous, FC2,
Crysis Warhead, Oblivion IV & Stalker COP, and I have a whole stack of
unopened games, including CoD WaW, CoD MW, Borderlands, Red Faction
Guerilla, and the Kot9 + Shivering Isles expansions for Oblivion.

GTA5? Some day maybe... :)



Lol some of those games are dated but they always are fun to play some games IMO still look good like crysis even though its pretty old!
Hello OP! Thank you very much for posting this, I find it extremely helpful. However, I wonder if you know how I can just copy over story progression saved games? I bought the game on Steam and I plan to actually redownload it on a new computer but I would very much like to keep the story progression.

You're absolutely right, but here's the thing: normally I can't afford the
latest top-end GPUs, so I've frequently made use of a couple of older
high-end models, for a hefty cost saving, sometimes obtained used.
Years ago when the 480 was current, I bought two new 460s. When the
500 series came out, first I switched to 560 SLI (used), then 560 Ti SLI
(used), then 580 1.5GB (used), then 580 3GB (used). The idea being
that I like to play games with all details as high as possible, something
which is normally difficult or impossible when a game first launches
using current gen hw (Crysis certainly had that effect).

I also like to customise the settings to increase draw distances, shadow
detail, etc., far beyond the normal in-game settings (Crysis has lots of options
for this, sadly not so much with FC2 which is annoying). Thus, with my heavily
custom settings, even two 580 3GB SLI is only enough for 45fps with Crysis
(though much better for FC2, a less demanding game). I should mention I also
have Crysis2 which isn't so heavy on GPU needs, but not yet tweaked in the
same way.

Anyway, I recently decided to heck with it and bought a 980 when it launched.
That was quicker than two 580s, indeed almost as fast as three 580s. Now I
can play these games with everything maxed out, the only exception being
one of the ingame AA settings in Elite Dangerous which is one notch below
max (might be a VRAM limit, not sure), but Crysis is maxed out and it looks
far better than any config used in a site review, smooth fps.

I took some pics before I started meddling with the draw distances and advanced
shadow details (I wanted it so I would not see shadows and detail levels popping
into view, and I wanted NPCs to be visible as far away as possible), but even so
it looks great:

Indeed I think it looks better than the Crysis2 pics I took without any custom
settings (the above Crysis pics were done with two 580 3GB, enough for some
nice AA settings):

Anyway, that's the idea: mega GPU power + older games = maxed out settings. 8)

I don't have the time to play much anyway, so as time goes by the game releases
naturally catch up with being able to afford multiple older top-end GPUs. Helps that
my main system uses a 1920x1200 monitor.

Oblivion especially benefits from max possible settings. I'm hoping to be able to use
DVR to make trees, etc. look as good as possible.



I like playing with other people and some dated games with my friends wont play cause there just too old. Some of my friends wont even play Battlefield 3 with me. I actually wanted to play some older games so I got Bad Company two and I joined multiplayer. Sadly there was not a single other person in the world playing it on multiplayer. I wish old games would laster longer and they just seem to die out.

I did the same with my r9 280xs I could have bought a titan but i did not and bought two r9 280xs and am getting great results on my 5760x1080 / 3240x1920 setup (widescreen and portrait) I am hoping that these cards will last for a long time.
(NB: try not to quote my entire post, it kinda clogs up the thread)

You may have noticed I've focused almost entirely on single player games.
Until Elite Dangerous, there hasn't been a game that has enticed me into
online play. I migh try it with GTA5 some day, but not for a long while.



if you sleep in a bed and save the progress in a save file it will then be moved to the new pc in the documents folder that you copy over
my way is alot simplier,

1. copy gta 5 folder from computer 1 to computer 2 (took about 20 minutes from HDD to SSD across 1gig lan)
2. install rockstar social club launcher from there website on the computer your copying too
3. open notepad and copy and paste the text from the spoiler below
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V]
"InstallFolder"="D:\\Games\\Grand Theft Auto V"
"Game Version"="\"1.00.0000\""
"Game Type"="Full"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\"1.00.0000"]
4. save file as ******.reg then run it, click yes you want to add to registry
5. run PlaygtaV.exe or GTAVLauncher.exe
my problem is that i dont want my pc to stay on all days to download gta5 what if i download it on my laptop which i can let it download untill days after it download can i transfer it to my pc and how?
Steam: Fresh install
1 Buy the game on steam
2 DON'T INSTALL (this is important) if you already started installing it, remove Local files (uninstall)
3 Copy the GTA5 folder you got from an other PC to >> SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ Into here
4 Select the game in your steam list and select "Install"
now steam client will just verifying you copied files and all is ok.
Start and have fun
Please, I run a Windows 10 preview and for some reason I must go on a NEW session (but on the same computer).

So In this case, all the file in C are already there ?
I just move the rockstar game folder into the documents folder of the new session ?
I started the game but the loading take a long long long time (infinite) so I just have to kill the game by alt+F4 ..

Any help ?

can you do this if youre using different steam accounts, even if youve both baught the game?

when i start gta up it asks me for an activation code what should i do?
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