GTA V - problem with low fps on my PC


Apr 21, 2015
Hi there , before I will describe my problem with GTA 5 I will post some details about my PC.
Intel Core i5 4460 3.2 GHZ
Gigabyte gtx970 4gb
8GB RAM memory Kingston HyperX Red (2x4GB)
Motherboard : Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3
So the problem is that I run GTA 5 on low fps. To me it looks like this PC should easily run the game on 60 fps without a problem at lets say "high" graphics settings. The reality is that I get around 60fps at idle but when drive a car or do stuff it drops to 45-50. How should I fix that issue so I can run the game on 60fps without going into very low graphics settings?(sry for my english , its not my main language)
download latest drivers for your gpu and latest patch/update for gta v it reduces cpu usage and fixes some things

I have done already , I have latest drivers installed through NVIDIA geforce exp. its called " GeForce Game Ready Driver for GTA V" and I have already got installed latest patch for GTA5 ( the one that was released today). So I dont think it made a difference.
Bevore anything downgrade your driver to 1 older version fixed it completly for me< !!!
close wmpnetwork in task manager
stop "NvStreamSvc" service
Open the start tab and type in "Cmd"
When the "cmd.exe" pops up, right click on it and select "run as administrator"
Once the box opens type in: sc stop "NvStreamSvc"
Now type sc config "NvStreamSvc" start=disabled
Type exit and you're done!
both of them charging up toi 30% cpu usage
put the launcher in task manager to low priority and the game exe to high (never realtime)
Added the launcher to Nvidia control panel then set the v-sync to adaptive (Half refresh rate) - Add the main game to Nvidia control panel and set v-sync to on and triple buffering on - Turned v-sync off in-game
also update your grpahic drivers (especially amd catalyst)
if nothing works lower your dc 11 to 10.1 it only affects grass dont worry you wont notice it ingame while playing
thats more stutters or lag

try this its from reddit it might help

Well I have tried this, but its seem quite weird , still it didnt help or I just do smth wrong
Sure, I'd be happy to help.

This guide identifies which visual settings have the greatest impact on FPS and is worth a read:

The settings which have the greatest impact on performance are MSAA, Post FX,Grass, shader, and shadow quality. I would start by disabling MSAA and slowly reducing the other settings until you can find a frame rate you are comfortable playing with.

So You assume that the problem is caused by wrongly adjusted graphics settings in the game? I was wondering if I should try doing something with my GPU settings and hardware or just spend some time on adjusting ingame graphics so that I can finally get satisfying results ?

I have kind of the same issue:
When "GPU power use" is above 85% to 104% i have no issue in the game it run 75 to 90fps ultra with FXAA very smoothly.

But sometimes power of the GPU drop to 65/70% then my framerate drop logically below 60 like 45/50. It Oscillate, it go up again when i drive a car or a bikes fast, or when there is a lot of action.
Temperature of the card never reach above 72° (and its reach this when it stay for 10/15 minut on 103/104% power use)

It happens sometimes during cinematic scenes, or not, or at the begining when i run the game. I've tried activate FPS limit or desactive in options but it doesnt seem to have impact. I actually use VSync in game, I've tried Adaptative sync but it was horrible ( 60 fps limit but drop to 40 sometimes)

I have a 24" 144hz monitor so i really enjoy 60 + fps.

Is it possible to force a minimum power use of the GPU on MSI AB like 90/95% for exalmple or on another OC software?

I will try Ivan pavlovic solution tonight to see if it have an impact, i wonder if it's a CPU problem or a bad OC on my GPU.

Thanks in advance if you have another advice for my issue.

i7 4790k
MSI B85M-G43
Crucial MX100 256

Some people think they can just set whatever they want in that game as it is "ported well" and "light"...It is NOT.

Every PC is different, even when they have similar components or the same sometimes. You need to spend time looking at the settings and adjusting them via trial and error. 60 is the dream scenario, however you have to make sacrifices to get that as your average.

It also doesn't help when many people come in fuelling these false dream saying "You should be able to run the top settings and 3.000.000 fps man"

Just not true.

Have a look, without adjusting ANYTHING but MSAA from for a 1 minute in the city. Then set 4x play again for 1 minute and then set 8x and play.

Read your fps and be astonished. The difference is vast! You need to find the optimal setting which works well and delivers a good looking game. I turned shadows down significantly, use 4x MSAA and TXAA, with a few things turned down here and there. The game looks stunning, it runs smoothly and anybody who reckons they can tell the difference between that and everything "maxed" out is full of BS.

I can still max render into the distance, leave textures on the highest setting and use all the important stuff to make it look great, by dialling down heavy stuff that adds very little compared to what it demands.

Just to make it clear, even a 980 won't run the game on everything maxed out at 60 fps average on 1080p 60Hz. It's a lie and the sooner people accept this the sooner we can all move on from these posts.

Thanks a lot for that post. Just to make things perfectly clear - I truly dont expect to run GTA V on everything maxed out. I was wondering if the problem with my fps is caused by bad adjusted graphics in game or by some other issues that are connected with my GPU. At the moment I am testing different settings and as You said I can easily notice the difference with FPS. I have also used the guide that RazeR posted here so it is easier for me to understand which setting I should lower.
If you believe that my problem can be solved just by spending some time with ingame settings without making any changes connected to my GPU and software then I think that we are done here.

Yes, I fully believe your last statement.

Performance will increase as Nvidia devs learn how to finetune drivers for the game.

Once you set it all up properly, low fps will be a distant memory
Ok! Thank You guys : Ivan, Undying89, RazerZ, helpstar, DasHotShot for your help veeery much! I have selected the conversation with DasHotShot as a solution as it seems to fully explain forms of dealing with my problem. Thanks again , You are awesome :)

Spot on!

It is a good way to dramatically improve FPS without losing too much quality. Play with this and light msaa, however I believe for the ultimate smooth experience, you need to go with RazerZ's method