GTA V problem


Jun 5, 2015
My PC rig is gtx 960 4gb FX 8320 and 8gb ram. Since a month ago, I've been getting some weird frame drops from 50-55 FPS to like 25. Could you tell me if this is due to my CPU or if there is a problem in GTA Online?

Note: I've never had these drops until a month ago
2.5GB vram usage shouldn't have a problem. Probably just a graphic setting then the card isn't agreeing with certain parts of the game. Have you tried GE? Different AA settings?

Could be a driver bug with the game also.

Trial and error, i doubt it's your hardware faulting in any way.

Well, I am playing with FXAA and when I turn off AA it's still the same thing. And could you tell me what GE is?

This also happens only when I'm in the city, while countryside and forests don't have any problems.