GTA4 Download help!?!?


Jun 19, 2012
I just finished installing my LEGIT copy of gta4, bought the product code from gamestop and downloaded it using their download application. the game finished installing after about 4 hours, and when i click on play (via the gamestop app) it pops up with the rockstar social club, i sign in and hit the play button. Once i hit the play button i see my cpu usage (windows cpu/ram monitor gadget) go to 15% then almost instantly goes back down to 2%, and nothing else load. I have never played any of these bigger games on the pc since this is my first gaming pc rig. I am not sure, but maybe i need to mount an iso image of some sort since there is no disc for this game? i am not sure what to do at this point.

One last thing, i also have clciked on the launchGTAIV file in the folder and i receive the same results.
Well, thank you for all your answers! Anyway, i figured it out, the xlive.dll file was unable to download due to an error. I am not sure what i will have to do to get this file, but i hope i will figure it out.
After spending hours figuring it out, thank god my samsung ssd comes with magician software... without it i wouldnt have disabled the indexing service and that was most likley why i wasnt able to install the GFWL without an error. I was getting an error message 0x800b0003, I've memorized the error code by now lol, and was getting a "missing xlive.dll" everytime i started my gta4 up.

I'd hate for others to be in the same position as i was in, i almost downloaded things that i really shouldn't have downloaded to fix the problem, visit this post for a fix.