GTAV Choppy Framerate


Jun 22, 2014
I am running gta V on pc using specs shown:
Evga Gtx 970
Intel i5 4670k
12 GB ripjaws ram

But for some reason I get terrible frame rates dropping down to the 30's with vsync on, and if it is off, the game will go up to 110 range but then quickly drop back down to thirty. I contacted rockstar support and have gotten no luck, so I was wondering if anyone here had the same issue? Thanks for your time!

I have never had this issue, game runs smooth as butter and im on a 760, nor have i read about this were did you hear about this issue?
I am running on mainly all very high or ultra settings and have all the advanced settings down that influence vram usage but still at only using 1/2 of my allowed usage I have issues, my friend who uses a 770 can go over his limit and have 60 fps smooth sailing.


I had this issue and on the Rockstar Forums people were having the same issue with good comps. It fixed for me with the recent patch,
Sadly the patch didn't do it for me, and it almost being a week after I sent in a ticket, no help.


Well when your friend gets into an area that will use more vram than he has, he will get a major performance dip and probably crash. Are your nvidia drivers up to date? Are you using 8x msaa? Or even 4x, that can have a major impact on performance especially during the day.
My drivers are up to date, and no msaa is even on only thing on is tessellation 16x but that didn't seem to influence the vram usage. (I'm a pc noob when it comes to gfx settings so idk if that influences much).