GTAV: How to make game more GPU Intense are less intense for CPU?


Nov 3, 2016
Yeah, I Want Game to use GPU More than CPU (wich is impossible) but i mean settings in GTAV that would use more GPU and less CPU.
Render distance settings are absolute killers in GTAV, i have 70 days played, trust me haha. Go to Advanced Settings in the graphics and turn extended distance scaling to about 30%. Then in normal graphics options there should be another render distance option that you can turn down. That is what i had to do to fix performance issues anyway.

EDIT: If you are ok with sacrificing some visual quality, turning all advanced graphics options can have an insane effect. (helpful of course)


Distance is already off, im getting solid 50-40fps on high settings when just running and shooting around, but when i drive then its just disaster, fps drops by every 1 second and map doesnt load correctly, didnt have that issue if i had older card, maybe CPU is bottlenecking with new GPU?

Make sure MSAA isnt too high, grass can be a killer too. Any further help will require specs.


Singleplayer works fine without lag/stutter but i mostly play online which is almost impossible, i can record singleplayer and online difference and settings that i use. PS: Tried all settings, Lowest settings: Worse performance for me.
My guess is that the cpu you're rockin' from '07 is holding you back. Older architecture plus slower clock speed will definitely cause issues. did it ever run properly?


What does run properly?

I mean, did the game ever run at a good framerate?


Yep, on older card GTX 550 TI 1.5GB.