GTS 250 will support direct X 11?

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yasir siddiqui

Sep 17, 2011
I have GTS 250 1GB which supports Dx10, which i have read on my system graphics properties or graphics card box.
if i have install win 8 or win 7 with direct x 11 then will my card supports dx11?
Yes and no. like my hd-4870's it only supports dx10, aka Vista. I am running windows xp-pro that is limited to dx9.0c. There are windows 7 drivers for the gts 250 that support dx11. What happens is dx11 games just run with the extra dx11 features disabled. On a slower 250 that is actually a good thing. It will just run the games in either dx9.0c mode, or dx10. dx10 is poorly supported so most games are either dx9.0c or dx11. basically most games will run in dx9.0c mode.
Yes and no. like my hd-4870's it only supports dx10, aka Vista. I am running windows xp-pro that is limited to dx9.0c. There are windows 7 drivers for the gts 250 that support dx11. What happens is dx11 games just run with the extra dx11 features disabled. On a slower 250 that is actually a good thing. It will just run the games in either dx9.0c mode, or dx10. dx10 is poorly supported so most games are either dx9.0c or dx11. basically most games will run in dx9.0c mode.
No, but when it comes out make sure you get the new drivers for it seeni how the current drivers only support Direct X 10.1
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