GTX 1050 + AMD ryzen 3 GTX 1050 TI + AMD Athlon X4 950 WICH ONE IS BETTER

It really depends on what your playing after doing a little digging the Athlon 950 is about the same as a G4560 once you overclock this shit out of it. Most titles now lean on the GPU more than the CPU so a better Graphics card is a better option. Later down the line it's cheaper to replace the CPU over the GPU with the current prices. You can find used 1300X's for around $80 or a 1500X for around $120 that is cheaper than paying close to $200 for a new 1050ti.

This is a side by side comparison of the two combinations.

Athlon 950 + 1050 TI vs Ryzen 3 1200 + 1050 GT

Here is a Athlon 950 and a G4560 Comparison.
It really depends on what your playing after doing a little digging the Athlon 950 is about the same as a G4560 once you overclock this shit out of it. Most titles now lean on the GPU more than the CPU so a better Graphics card is a better option. Later down the line it's cheaper to replace the CPU over the GPU with the current prices. You can find used 1300X's for around $80 or a 1500X for around $120 that is cheaper than paying close to $200 for a new 1050ti.

This is a side by side comparison of the two combinations.

Athlon 950 + 1050 TI vs Ryzen 3 1200 + 1050 GT

Here is a Athlon 950 and a G4560 Comparison.

They are real close but you need to check and make sure they are not sticingk you with 2400mhz RAM and a B320 board, you wont be able to overclock and you will have the very bare benefits of the upgrade.
