GTX 1050 LP and Q9550?


Jun 15, 2015
So I was thinking would it be a good idea to put a GTX 1050 LP (Low profile) GPU in my dell optiplex.

My PC right now has:
GT 730 (2GDDR5)
and a Q9550 (stock freq, 2.83Ghz)

Now would it be idiotic to put a GTX 1050 LP in this machine, granted the CPU will bottleneck it a lot and the PCI-e is only a x8 while the GPU is x16. Would it be a waste of money to do so? and would it be any better than having the GT 730 or would it be better overall just to get the gt 1030 (which when I last saw benchmarks with the GT 1030 it didn't out preform the GT 730 in most cases)

I cannot afford a new PC as a whole and i'm limited to what I can put into the PC since it is a custom Optiplex 760 SFF. The reason why I am asking this is because I saw that GTX 1050's have low profile GPU variants and I want to play some newer games with decent fps graphic settings.

Also since I have an dell optiplex the mobo is also dell brand therefor I cannot OC the CPU but I can OC the GPU. If the Q9550 is too much of a bottleneck technically I could get a Q9650 but that is the best thing I can get with a Dead and old Lga775 socket.
There are a bunch of people running 1050s in Opti 760s here. The CPU and GPU score at similar levels. Almost 40% each.
There is no mention of a PCIe power limit in the setup manual p.37.
It's not UEFI per Dell Community Forum.
Some GPU companies use UEFI and others don't. MSI does, PNY less so. GTX750s came both ways. My Zotac GTX1050Ti Mini doesn't list UEFI in system requirements, and claims it works in 99% of computers.
It looks good to me. Botttleneck is a word...
There are a bunch of people running 1050s in Opti 760s here. The CPU and GPU score at similar levels. Almost 40% each.
There is no mention of a PCIe power limit in the setup manual p.37.
It's not UEFI per Dell Community Forum.
Some GPU companies use UEFI and others don't. MSI does, PNY less so. GTX750s came both ways. My Zotac GTX1050Ti Mini doesn't list UEFI in system requirements, and claims it works in 99% of computers.
It looks good to me. Botttleneck is a word that's way overused. Will the 1050 run faster on an i7 system, YES but that isn't a bottleneck. A true bottleneck is where the CPU starves the GPU for DATA and the screen freezes due to this. I've run my R9-285 which is very similar in performance on my QX6800 at every speed from 2.83GHz to 3.72GHz and never had that problem. IMO any game that causes a bottleneck would need a better GPU anyway.


Jun 15, 2015

I saw people talking about that but most people said the GPU will still work even without a uefi and and one person said he uses a Q9550 (OC'd to 3.5ghz) and a GTX 1050 Ti LP on a old HP mobo and it works. Though the info im getting from searching is iffy, no one has an exact answer so i dunno.


Jun 15, 2015

So you are saying that I could do it if I wanted to and my FPS in games would be fine? I'm sure that my fps wouldn't drop from what it is now I just dunno if it worth spending 120 on a GTX 1050 if my CPU wont allow it to work at it full potential.
Also do you think you get me a guess on the FPS I would be getting in some games like, CS:GO, GTA V, Destiny 2 and etc. (Just your best guess if I was to put in a GTX 1050 into my PC with all my current hardware) or is there a way to find out the FPS? I tried looking on youtube but I couldnt get a video with a Q9550 (non-oc'd) and a GTX 1050 LP (not TI) and a game worth testing. I did find one but the FPS was in the 30's on GTA V medium-high settings which didn't seem right.

Or do you have a better idea for a LP GPU that is better for the money and would work perfectly?
The one good thing about doing this is the GPU can move forward to another computer. If you look at the links I gave you the next best GPU the 750Ti is a total bottom feeder com pared to this. The whole thing with FPS on this level GPU is resolution. They will give OK FPS as long as you don't go over 1080P. The GTX 750Ti is stretched thin there.
Anything less 1030 etc. will only run on 720P televisions. I've seen GTA V drag an R9 Fury Nano down quite a bit. GTA V is also a simulation and the CPU is going to be doing a lot of physics so it will be a tough sell for this level of CPU. The big advantage of the 1050s is they can run off of the Dell PSU and they've given these computers a couple more years of life. The Q9550 is almost as goos as the Q9650 Personally I spent for the 1050TI. It should be relevant a little longer than the regular card, and be more enjoyable while I'm using it. The extra memory will let it have some headroom at 1080P. Personally I wouldn't even think of putting anything less in there if you want to do any gaming. After the R9-285 the GTX750Ti seems really lame now.


Jun 15, 2015

Ok so, I should be fine on doing this and it is probably the best option since GTX 1050 is much better than a GTX 750 ti (Next best option) in addition to LP GTX 750 ti's are overpriced. And instead of getting a Q9650, which the only different between a Q9550 and Q9650 is the clock speed, get a GTX 1050 Ti since it will last longer and preforms better. Then once I have the money just carry the GPU over to a new PC since it will still work fine for most AAA games. Correct?
And with my Q9550 (Not-oc'd) and the GTX 1050 Ti I should be able to play most games at 1080p high-max settings with at least 60fps?

If so thanks for the help!

i'm not much of a gamer. I just build old PCs and benchmark them . I specialize in overclocking locked BIOS Dells so I know their tricks pretty well. But it's as good as that computer is going to get at 1080P. Anything more and you need a whole new computer. PSU, MB,CPU,RAM case. your talking several $100s of dollars. For 60 FPS you might need to turm some things down a bit. Biut even in another computer you might need a $200+ GPU to do what your asking. Just my opinion. In the link above thr R9 Fury Nano holds 60 FPS in GTA V only at 1080p. so that's a big ask for a card that costs 1/3 as much.


Oct 30, 2017

I have a GTX 1050 Ti paired with Q9550 on my EP45-UD3P mobo. Under stock settings of GPU and CPU, I get about 35~40 FPS on Witcher 3 and 55~70 FPS on Battlefield 3 on Ultra Settings. Honestly, I have not seen any bottleneck of my Q9550. CPU load is around 70%~90% while GPU load is at 99% playing those games.