GTX 1050 or 1050ti for a temporary graphics card?


Jun 30, 2017
I want something really temporary until the next generation of Nvidia cards come out, I feel pretty late and I need a GPU to play something. I was originally going to get a GTX 1060 but they are way too expensive right now. I would rather wait until the prices either die down or Nvidia releases a new generation of cards. Which card would be better for this time? I would prefer to spend less, would the GTX 1050 last me?

Also I am fine with playing on 720p, preferably on medium or high settings, low is okay too I guess.

I believe I might keep them at max 2 years or until possibly the GTX 1060 prices die down.
For competitive shooters the 1050 is going to be enough, but if you want to play a bit more demanding titles, even on medium settings they usually use at least 2.5G~ VRAM on 1080p.

Conclusion: For competitive shooters the 1050 is good enough, the vram is probably not going to be enough for demanding games, but should do the job for a temporary solution, but if you have the money go for a 1050ti :)

I'll play any games really if its interesting, but I mostly play competitive shooters.

My PC specs are:
CPU: i5-7400 3.0 GHz
HDD: 1 TB 7.2 RPM
GPU: Integrated Graphics 630 (for now)

The resolution can be either 1920x1080 or 1280x720, I don't really care as long as it is playable.
For competitive shooters the 1050 is going to be enough, but if you want to play a bit more demanding titles, even on medium settings they usually use at least 2.5G~ VRAM on 1080p.

Conclusion: For competitive shooters the 1050 is good enough, the vram is probably not going to be enough for demanding games, but should do the job for a temporary solution, but if you have the money go for a 1050ti :)

Alright, also for the budget build, should I shell out 300+ dollars for GTX 1060 6GB or should I just wait until they get cheaper or release something better?

Or should I just hold on to Integrated Graphics and just wait for the GTX 1060 prices to become normal again?
For competitive shooters, the 1050ti is good enough, but if you want to play demanding games on ultra @ 1080p (+ more futureproof), the 1060 is the card you should get, but just wait for the amd vega release, gpu prices will probably drop

What do you mean drop?
Like back to their normal prices or go below that, and how are you so sure of it?
AMD Vega will compete with the high end NVIDIA cards, so the 1060 (or the other mid-range cards) won't insanely drop, maybe something around 25-35$, not sure. But if you want to buy it now you won't lose much

The cheapest I could find a 1060 is around 330 and they are always sold out, so I can expect them to be 300, that's still more than they usually are, they should be 270 right?