gtx 1050 ti not working

Sean Racacho

Aug 17, 2015
recently bought a gtx 1050 ti gigabyte windforce oc, it requires 6pin connector and i have a molex to 6pin adapter. i dont know if the card is broken or my 6pin adapter is not reliable for power. when i turn on the pc, the gpu fan spins for 5 seconds then stops.

my psu is 700w low quality and it doesnt have a 6pin connector hence the adapter.

what should i do, should i mod my wires? i dont have a budget to buy another psu maybe next time. im not sure if the card is the one who is not working.

Is the card recognized by the PC while its on? Try launching a game and test the frames, It's possible that the fan doesn't turn on until the GPU is at 60c

its working now thanks to you. i didn't know that it has that feature. but how did you know that my low quality psu and the adapter can run my gfx card? that molex usually only powers the fan

If the molex adapter is plugged into the PSU it will get enough power to power it. Anyways Yeah Most nvidia cards now won't run the fan without it being at 60c, You can change this simply by setting a fan profile through EVGA precision X or MSI afterburner, I recommend doing this as setting a aggressive fan profile can keep your GPU nice and cool at all times. It will be a bit louder though of course but it's worth it IMO.

Please do note, that your PSU if it is generic I would really upgrade, even if its a tier 3 PSU it is much safer and not a fire hazard Your PSU is more than likely a fire hazard if its generic. check that out to find out if a PSU you would buy is good or not. But I recommend Seasonic, Antec, XFX, and EVGA PSU's.

okay thanks ill change my fan settings later. and yes i will upgrade my psu soon