GTX 1050 TI seems to be failing


Apr 24, 2016
Hi all,

I have gone through every option for about 6 hours over the last two days with no luck. Here is the deal:

I built my brother a computer a little over a year ago, has worked great the entire time he's owned it.

MSI H81M-E33 Motherboard
16GB Memory
GTX 750 Ti
i5 4670K Processor
Western digital blue 7200 rpm 1TB HD
Power supply is a Corsair CX430M (Before I purchased this card I used the power supply calculator and checked forum posts to see if this supply was good enough for the card and everything confirmed that it was)

He was able to play Overwatch and Skyrim just fine, and was able to play Player Unknown's Battlegrounds with very low FPS but it was still playable.I purchased a Geforce GTX 1050 TI, we uninstalled the old drivers and he put in the new video card. After installing all of the new drivers, all of the games are completely unplayable. 5FPS and complete choppiness, just not playable. I have directed him to try everything:

-Re-seat the card
-Check all temperatures for the GPU and CPU
-Check connections
-Uninstall and reinstall drivers
-Attempted to update BIOS only to find he had the newest drivers

Again, the computer had no issues playing games previously. I was just looking to upgrade the graphics card to something better.

If anyone has any ideas about what else I could try, or if they think it is a defective card please let me know. Appreciate the time.
Have you asked him to check specifically the display cable is connected to the graphics card? Sounds like the games are running off the iGPU if desktop works fine (suspicious that only games have a problem). If graphics card was faulty it shouldn't be limited to only games; I would expect other issues.

Have they checked BIOS for if the graphics card is prioritised? Usually something like PEG or similar. Slight possibility BIOS has defaulted to integrated graphics.

In Device Manager, is the GTX 1050 ti seen under Display adapters? If not, does an unrecognised device show if Show hidden devices is selected?

A few things to check if they haven't already.