Question GTX 1050Ti Max Q makes Desktop Manager & Client Server Runtime GPU spike to 100% (XPS15 9570)

Mar 11, 2019
Hello everyone,

I've been looking for an answer to this problem for more than a month now, and I still haven't found it. I'm trying my luck here. Here's my journey:

  • After updating to Windows 10 1809 (for that darkmode), my laptop kept freezing for a few seconds (5-10) then it would be fine again - this would happen every 5 minutes during idle time, gaming or even web browsing.
  • Googled the issue, posted on the Microsoft forum and I came to the conclusion that this was happening because of my Graphics Card (1050Ti Max-Q); so, naturally, I uninstalled the driver and things went back to normal. Thing is, I like to game from time to time, so I need the driver not only for that, but for Photoshop & Premiere.
Things I already tried:
  • Reinstalled windows a couple of times
  • Disable notifications completely
  • Disable animations in windows
and some other things I don't remember, but these were the most recommended.

My specs:
Dell XPS15 (9570)
16GB DDR4 Ram
Windows 10 1809
i7-8750H @ 2.20 GHz

If someone could help me out with this issue I'd be really grateful.
If Windows keeps freezing when the GPU is accelerated, it's probably due to the graphics stack crashing. Now, this could be caused by your graphics card becoming unstable, or it not being 100% compatible with your motherboard. You could try loading a few different versions of the Nvidia driver, updating your BIOS, and maybe even change the motherboard for a compatible (but not same model) one.
If Windows keeps freezing when the GPU is accelerated, it's probably due to the graphics stack crashing. Now, this could be caused by your graphics card becoming unstable, or it not being 100% compatible with your motherboard. You could try loading a few different versions of the Nvidia driver, updating your BIOS, and maybe even change the motherboard for a compatible (but not same model) one.

Thank you for your answer.

  • Windows is not freezing, just dwm & csr use 100% GPU. Also, this does not happen only when it's accelerating, it happens when the laptop is idle aswell.
  • About my motherboard not being compatible, I think It could've been a possibility if the device was a PC or something built by me, but considering it's a prebuilt laptop, I don't think it's the case.
  • I also tried installing different versions of drivers, but I keep having the same issue.
  • My BIOS is up to date.

Like previously mentioned, I did not have this issue before updating to 1809. I appreciate you taking the time to respond, do you have any other ideas?
The freeze is when the screen doesn't respond for a few seconds, during which the Windows kennel probes the graphics stack; if it doesn't answer after a while, it is killed then restarted, reinitializing the graphical hardware along the way. My suggestions stand.