Quick question i am looking for a gpu to replace my gtx 770,which you guys think is best
gtx 1060 6gb vs rx 580 8gb vs rx 580 4gb,also guys i have a old enough motherbord ex58-ud3r with a i7 920(soon to change) will these cards work with it,prices in my country are(cheapest)
gtx 1060 6gb=190,used
rx 580 8gb=160 euro,used
rx 580 4gb=126 euro,new
Thanks guys
gtx 1060 6gb vs rx 580 8gb vs rx 580 4gb,also guys i have a old enough motherbord ex58-ud3r with a i7 920(soon to change) will these cards work with it,prices in my country are(cheapest)
gtx 1060 6gb=190,used
rx 580 8gb=160 euro,used
rx 580 4gb=126 euro,new
Thanks guys