GTX 1060 bottlenecked?


Sep 20, 2014
I went for the MSI's GTX 1060 Gaming X edition, and when playing The Phantom Pain I noticed that the frames are really not where they should be.
My entire rig is as follow
I5 2500K @ 3.3, 3.8 turbo boost (I would OC but I had troubles with my Motherboard and it's not worth to replace my entire motherboard just so I could OC, or maybe it is)
GTX 1060 MSI Gaming X 6G
10Gb DDR3 1333Mhz.

I've seen people getting 80+ frames at all ultra while I get 55 while in crowded areas, I know it might not be possible to get 80 frames in those areas but I should at least be getting 60+

Is my CPU holding me back that much? if it is I might have to consider getting a new motherboard so I can overclock it.

Sry for the late reply, actually upon examining closely when I'm getting less than 60 fps my gpu usage is 50-60% while my CPU usage is 50-60% across all cores, is that good or bad? I don't get whether it's my hardware or the game? as I remember running it on my old 560Ti at 60fps while having just very graphically demanding settings set to med or high. Should't my cpu be hitting 90% or more in order to be bottlenecking?
Question from Candrujack : "Low FPS in games that should be running smoothly."

My build is as follows:
I5 2500K @ 3.8 (Can't OC)
10GB DDR3 1333Mhz
MSI GTX 1060 6G Gaming X
Gaming @ 1080p

Now while I realize that my CPU is old I never really expected it to be such a problem.
For instance, while playing MGSV The Phantom Pain, at everything on ultra, without v-sync and the effects option turned down to high because it's broken, I go as low as 50fps, while on my 560Ti I could get solid 60's by having lighting and shadows turned down. It's the same as here, if I turn down lighting and shadows to high I get 60 fps, but considering how powerful my card is, that to me is unacceptable.

The CPU requirement for MGSV is an I7-4790 @ 3.6, the CPU req for Mad Max is an I7-3770k which is about 15% slower than the 4790, is that really enough of a difference?

I've monitored the GPU and CPU usage and temps, temps for the cpu never went above 50 C and the GPU temps never went above 66 C, meanwhile CPU usage is about 60% across all the cores and GPU usage while I'm at 50fps is 60%.

So what's the deal here, is my CPU really holding me back that much, also I'm having trouble believing that The Phantom Pain needs more CPU power than the Witcher 3 which like Mad Max requires an I7-3770k.