Question gtx 1060 crashes showing solid color screen, without doing anything but it works correctly if I put it in furnmark

Jaiverson Payan

Aug 23, 2022
Good, cordial greetings to the forum, since the weekend I am experiencing a crash with the asus gtx 1060 3 gb because no matter what I do on the desktop, it crashes showing a solid color (pink, light blue, green, lime green, white or veige), the strange thing is that when I pass the furnmark or some stress test this does not happen and I can use it normally but if it does not crash, I have already reinstalled windows several times, clean the probe card with the two pcie cables from my psu and it continues to present the same problem, currently I can only use it in safe mode, I would appreciate your help.
My pc spesc: I7 3770, GTX 1060 3GB ASUS, 12 GB RAM, MOBO MSI H61M-P23-B3, PSU THERMALTAKE SMART 500W, the temps of my gpu not passing of 67°

Jaiverson Payan

Aug 23, 2022
Can you install Hwmonitor and see if your psu is putting out proper voltages? One other thing, have you used DDU to uninstall the gpu drivers completely and then install a fresh set of drivers for the gpu?
In hw monitor show this valors(excuseme for rare word the english not is my language).

Hardware monitor Fintek F718xx
Voltage 0 3.39 Volts [0xD4] (+3.3V)
Voltage 1 0.96 Volts [0x78] (CPU VCORE)
Voltage 2 0.06 Volts [0x4] (VIN2)
Voltage 3 1.43 Volts [0x7A] (VIN3)
Voltage 4 5.63 Volts [0x86] (+5V)
Voltage 5 8.18 Volts [0x5D] (+12V)
Voltage 6 2.11 Volts [0x84] (VIN6)
Voltage 7 3.39 Volts [0xD4] (VSB3V)
Voltage 8 3.31 Volts [0xCF] (VBAT)
Temperature 2 27 degC (80 degF) [0x1B] (TMPIN2)
Fan 0 2075 RPM [0x2D3] (FANIN0)
Fan 1 1362 RPM [0x44D] (FANIN1)
Fan PWM 0 100 pc [0xFF] (CPU)
Fan PWM 1 65 pc [0xA6] (System Fan 1)
Fan PWM 2 65 pc [0xA6] (System Fan 2)
Register space LPC, base address = 0x0290

And DDU not fixing the problem, i reinstall windows and not fix the problem