GTX 1060 Enough to run a 144hz triple monitor setup?


Mar 19, 2016
I've been thinking of getting a 144hz triple monitor setup for me to play games, however I'm unsure whether i should also save up for a better graphics card as well. Is a GTX 1060 enough to run three monitors on 144hz? I only play osu! and CS:GO as far as games go, not any AAA titles.

GTX 1060 3GB
A 1060 could run 144hz on a single monitor, but not 3 🙁
If you mainly play osu! and CSGO, why get 3 144hz monitors? Instead you could save a considerable amount of money and get a single 144hz to play on, with 2 60hz ones for other programs. In games such as CSGO, the more fps the better. Playing on 3 monitors would not yield any competitive advantage and reduce fps.
A 1060 could run 144hz on a single monitor, but not 3 🙁
If you mainly play osu! and CSGO, why get 3 144hz monitors? Instead you could save a considerable amount of money and get a single 144hz to play on, with 2 60hz ones for other programs. In games such as CSGO, the more fps the better. Playing on 3 monitors would not yield any competitive advantage and reduce fps.

It would even be a disadvantage due to image stretching. This will cause misjudgement of where the enemy.