GTX 1060, GTX 1070 or Rx 580?

Sep 8, 2018
Good day. Im having a hard time on which to choose graphics card for my rig. Which will not bottleneck my cpu and and a has good performace for my monitor at 1080p 60hz. Im not planning to upgrade anytime soon because its New. Now my question is. Which graphics card will I choose between those 3 gtx 1060, 1070 ot rx580. The price of GTX 1060 6b is 300$ And the price of GTX 1070 and Rx580 are same at 300$ Only. So you just add up for about 50$ then you can get the 1070 and rx580. As per my research. The gtx 1060 and rx 580 has a great performance for 1080p gaming. And the 1070 is for 144hz. However according to bottleneck site. It will bottleneck for 13% I just want to play the latest games at max settings. And also for future proof at 1080p. So which card do you think will I buy for the best. By the way this is my specs below:

Cpu: i7 2600 nonk 3.40ghz
Ram: 16gb ddr3 1333mhz
PSU: 500watts tiger power true rated.
Monitor: 1080p 60hz ips

Thanks for the answers

Ignore the bottlenecking calculators. There is way to much that goes into each specific game. Those numbers are just numbers, they are meaningless unless you compare it to specific software.

The 1060 and 580 have very similar performance. So if you go with one of those, get the cheaper of the two. Those cards are great for 60fps at high settings. But they have been out for several years now.

If you want to get more longevity of your system (future proof), go with the 1070. The 1070 will be able to push 1080p @ 60fps for a good while. Where the 1060 and 580 will struggle at those settings as more demanding games are released. My advice, get the 1070 with a plan on upgrading your monitor soon.
Ignore the bottlenecking calculators. There is way to much that goes into each specific game. Those numbers are just numbers, they are meaningless unless you compare it to specific software.

The 1060 and 580 have very similar performance. So if you go with one of those, get the cheaper of the two. Those cards are great for 60fps at high settings. But they have been out for several years now.

If you want to get more longevity of your system (future proof), go with the 1070. The 1070 will be able to push 1080p @ 60fps for a good while. Where the 1060 and 580 will struggle at those settings as more demanding games are released. My advice, get the 1070 with a plan on upgrading your monitor soon.
I think it will work with a GTX 1060 fine.
I also think it will work with a GTX 1070 fine....although you MAY get a little bottlenecking.....but I wouldn't let that stop me from getting a 1070. on your may be able to upgrade that CPU in the future. far as the RX.....I'm way more familiar with
If you want to space some money for a better cpu, then go for the gtx 1060.
If you don't bother the extra $50, then go for the GTX 1070, if you are planning to do 144Hz gaming, which is great
Why not the RX 580 you ask? you should go for an RX 580 when you are planning to play games that eats multiparticle games, like witcher 3, dota 2 and battlefield, and dont have much money to spend. otherwise the gtx 1070 has better value in general
While I love my RX 580 (PowerColor Red Devil Golden Sample 8GB)...power requirements are something to be considered as well. Your current power supply might be strained with the 580s. The 580 and the 1060 seem to be generally considered to be similar in performance but I believe the 1060 eats less power overall. Most 580s that I know of (even the MSI reference version) have a minimum PSU requirement of 500W. For the power requirement side of things, I'd suggest the Nvidia cards.

I would also highly advise to stay away from the 3GB don't want your VRAM being a problem, especially if you're looking to keep keep your parts for a while. For example, I'm a World of Warships player, and some of those maps use nearly 4GB of VRAM. I know some people don't like the term "futureproofing", but...I lean towards it being a thing. :)
GTX1060 and RX580 are in the same performance tier on tom's gpu hierarchy list:,4388.html
But, since the RX580 is a power hungry card, I would favor the GTX1060
Here is a chart for psu requirements:

The GTX1070 is stronger, and 500w should be ok so long as the card is not one of those highly overclocked versions.

The bottlenecker site is junk science.
What matters is how YOUR games perform.

Try this test:
Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.
I'm kind of in the same situation. I just got a 27in. 1080p dell SE2717HX monitor with freesync. and all i want is 1080p 60fps locked in this case 75hz. Cause this monitor supports it. The freesync window is 48Hz to 75Hz. Common sense says go with AMD cause freesync. But in all reality it means very little. Right now i have a GTX 1050ti. and it holds between the 48Hz and 75Hz freesync window. But not locked to 60Hz or 75Hz and it's smooth for most optimized games. (Only averaging). though. I want the min. framerate to be 60 not just the average. So I'm thinking a 1060 6GB. Cause i love the PhysX in games like the metro series and even a lot of new games still use it like we happy few for an example. But then future proof comes in to play and AMD cards run really good on DX12. Plus the 8 GB's of V-Ram sounds great too. So for the sake of future proofing the 1070 is no compromise. It has the PhysX i love and 8GB's V-Ram. So my vote would be GTX 1070. or if patients is your game the 20's series cards are right around the corner.
I got a i5 6500 and a 1070 evga 8 GB ram and a 60hz monitor. I'd go with the 1070. It'll let you upgrade to a higher resolution or 144hz and it'll let you play games in the future at ultra to high settings. I got mine used for 200 bucks. Look on Facebook market it has some great deals
I have a 1050 Ti and that works fine. it is not really future proofing as my CPU is a i5 8400 and can handle much more. I think the best choice is the 1070 for gaming for the prices you describe. If you were into graphic design programs I would think the RX 580 may be a solution.
a bit ot but from your original post i've never found a really meaningful believable explanation of what exactly the difference between 5% and 10% bottlenecking is, or exactly what 5% bottle necking is. afaics 5% can have completely different visual detriment on 2 different games, or 2 different cards. It seems a poor attempt at making bottlenecking some kind of standard unit like pounds, kg, hours. And there are so many settings that would affect comparisons too. I think you might look out of casual interest, but that's about it