GTX 1060 inside IPISB-CU Motherboard, won't boot past BIOS splash

Christopher Aubert

Oct 7, 2013
So I have this slightly old pre-built, (i3-2120, 4gb RAM) and I wanted to put a GTX 1060 inside. I installed Windows on the rig, then installed the graphics card afterwards. The PC wouldn't boot past the BIOS splash screen, and I heard several beeps:
1 short beep (I'm aware this is normal)
6 Long beeps, with the case's light even blinking orange in sync with the beeps
1 long beep, followed by 3 short beeps (The case's light didn't blink in sync with these though)
Looking those up, I can't find anything related to the 6 long beeps.
Taking the 1060 out will result in a normal boot into windows. Putting the GPU in reverts to what I mentioned before. I tried finding new motherboard drivers, nothing's available.

PSU: 550w Corsair CX550M
SSD: Adata 60gb
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1060
BIOS: American Megatrends
With the VGA out boot and go into BIOS and switch from UEFI mode to Legacy mode (not sure if it has UEFI BIOS though).

Also look for anything indicating PCIE port should be enabled/turned on or sth to that effect.

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