ziwei1440 :
dontlistentome :
The demand on your card comes from two places. One, the game asks for resources. Overwatch is not that demanding though, it's not going to stress a 1060 by itself. Two, if the CPU is doing more work it can then make the videocard work harder to keep up. If your CPU is not that powerful though, it will hit its performance limit before it can stress the videocard. This is the 'bottleneck' people talk about.
It sounds to me like that's your situation. Your CPU is doing all it can, but it's not enough to keep the card busy especially since the game itself isn't demanding on the card either.
Thank you for your reply. If it's really the 'bottleneck' thing, then I shouldn't be getting 90+ GPU usage when I'm playing on high settings right? I know Overwatch on low settings is not that demanding, but shouldn't that mean I'm able to hit around peak fps and stay there?
No, you're making an assumption here that one component should always be at or near 100% usage. Games don't, for the most part, demand infinite resources.
Let's say there's a game that requires, on a scale of 1-10, a level of 6 in performance. Your CPU is a level 7 and your GPU is a level 9. In this scenario neither your CPU or GPU will be at 100% because the game simply does not require that much work from either of them.
Now let's say your CPU is a 5 but your GPU is a 9. Now your CPU is at 100% but your GPU isn't working hard, because the game demands more CPU than you have but you have more GPU than you need.