Gtx 1060 or RX 480?


Mar 29, 2016
I want a 1060, but the price of it is just cosmic in Lithuania. It costs about 450 euro (500 dollars; 380 pounds). I am super mad, because there are like only 3 shops that sell this new graphic cards and the price is cosmic (Lithuanian minimum wage is 350 euro, this country is in European Union and has euro as it's currency. Don't know why the price is so high). RX 480 costs 310 euro here. I have a gtx 650 as my graphics card.

The question is: Is AMD really that shit as the internet says? 140 euro difference is huge for me. I don't know anything about the situation in AMD atm. I really would like to choose quality over price, but i am confused. I also love the Geforce experience and not sure if amd software can optimize games or perform that well.
In most benchmarks the 1060 is at most 10% better then the 480 and in one or two is slower. DO NOT PAY 450 EUROS FOR A 1060!!!!. That's robbery. Go for the 480, there isn't much of a difference between the two.
And it's not true that amd does not optimize well. I have a pc with a 270x and a laptop with a gtx960m. I haven't run in any problem with the amd card...ever and played witcher 3 on high ultra at 30 fps, and my 960 faild after 3 mounth.It wasn't nvidias foult that the cooler failed. There are bad sample cards on both sides . There are a lot of fanboys in each side and some are louder. Don't worry about the 480 it will run fine and if your not sure look online for benchmarks for the games you play and decide, but still DO NOT PAY...
if cash is that tight I would say just get the RX 480. Yes the GTX 1060 is faster. But something to keep in mind. AMD cards are known to have more frame rate increases over their lifetime compared to nvidia (arguably because nvidia launch drivers already extract nearly all the performance the cards have to offer). Point is in six months the delta of difference will not be as big. I prefer nvidia myself because drivers ARE better IMHO. Budgets are tough though and I think you would be very happy with the cheaper card. ultimately the call is yours to make.
In most benchmarks the 1060 is at most 10% better then the 480 and in one or two is slower. DO NOT PAY 450 EUROS FOR A 1060!!!!. That's robbery. Go for the 480, there isn't much of a difference between the two.
And it's not true that amd does not optimize well. I have a pc with a 270x and a laptop with a gtx960m. I haven't run in any problem with the amd card...ever and played witcher 3 on high ultra at 30 fps, and my 960 faild after 3 mounth.It wasn't nvidias foult that the cooler failed. There are bad sample cards on both sides . There are a lot of fanboys in each side and some are louder. Don't worry about the 480 it will run fine and if your not sure look online for benchmarks for the games you play and decide, but still DO NOT PAY 450 EUROS FOR A 1060!!!!.

^ +1

140 euros is a lot of cash for +10% performance delta that will likely be +5% in six months for a gtx 1060.

I mean wtf, germans earn like 1000 euro a month, while lithuanians earn like 400 euro a month and this card in Germany costs only 350 euro. I could order it from Germany, however I'm afraid. If it stops working I'd have to send it to Germany. So that's extra problems.
Initially I was looking for AIB RX 480, however the first pre-order that pop up in my country was Sapphire Nitro 8gb and is selling for close to $300 USD. So then I decided to settle on MSI GTX 1060, they were selling at $250 USD (MSRP).

IMO, choose the cheaper one in your country, as results may vary. They both perform pretty close anyways.

Also, don't limit your option to only Asus. At the end of the day the GPU is the same, it's the PCB design and heat sink you are paying extra for. If Asus is selling $100 over the other AIB partner, why choose them? On the other hand, Asus isn't that great for their GPU anyways.