GTX 1060 & Storage Upgrade


Oct 17, 2016
Okay, so I've had the same computer for a number of years

- i7 2660k CPU
- Asus P8Z68 Motherboard
- 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1600MHz DDR3 RAM
- Corsair 850w PSU

Starting off I used the MSI GTX 680 2GB which served me well for a number of years, then upgraded to an MSI GTX 970 4GB which blew my mind. It ran every game at 1080p, 60 fps with absolutely no problems. Since then I have sold the 970 as I needed money for something quick, and I'm now left with my computer without a GPU. Needless to say I'm not using it but I plan to when Christmas comes around. I should add it's a very mid-range PC, I don't have an SSD (although I am planning to get one) My OS and games are stored on 4 different HDD's. (messy, I know). I have some old Seagate 160gb hard drive that was given to me by a teacher in school as he was salvaging old parts (I use it to store my OS), I have a 500gb WD Blue HDD which is my primary hard drive for my games, but then that filled up so I got a 250gb WD Blue HDD as a second hard drive for games. Finally, I have a whopping 3TB WD Green HDD. I have this because I did a bit of YouTube here and there so I needed the space for video storing and editing etc, but school took priority so now that's sitting there doing nothing.

I am aware that WD Green isn't all that great, and if I'm honest I bought the Green version as it was the cheapest at the time. I'm planning to get rid off all my HDD's and getting an SSD for my OS, and getting rid of the 3TB Green in exchange for maybe a 1-2TB WD Black for all my games, instead of having a big mess and having my games stored on two different HDD's. (opinions would be appreciated on this).

Now, since I'm left short-handed with regards a GPU, as I said this Christmas is when I plan to fix everything up. I'm aware that my CPU isn't all that modern, but I don't actually know what it's capable of. I built this PC years ago and haven't upgraded anything apart from the GPU's over time. I want a GPU that isn't too expensive but will definitely last a few years before I need to upgrade again. My first idea was the GTX 1060. The main reason why I'm writing this thread is because I'm worried the two might bottleneck each other. In particular I was looking at the ASUS Strix model of the GTX 1060, I've done my research on most variants of the GTX 1060 and this one stands out to me the most. If the 1060 isn't the best card to get in that price range that'll last a good few years then what is?

I'm not an extremely overkill gamer my budget is fairly tight. I have one decent 1080p monitor and 2 less decent ones, usually I use 2 monitors. But I still want something that will guarantee pristine performance if I do upgrade with regards resolution (1440p for example). We are moving house soon and I plan to completely redesign my setup with regards my monitors (I plan to have 1 1440p monitor in the middle and 2 1080p ones either side).

Thanks everyone.

P.S: This is quite long I know and I apologize, just looking for some solid advice from someone who knows their stuff, I'm only an amateur at this stuff but I plan to go back to YouTube once the big exams are out of the way.