GTX 1060 turn on and off


Mar 9, 2014
Hello folks. I have a problem which has never happened before, My gpu fans will work fine but as soon as i boot into windows they turn off and wont turn back on even when the screen artifacts and temps reach 50 degrees.

The only way it works is if i use Afterburner and set my own fan curve. I reset windows, Used DDU and fresh installed the drivers and checked the card but it's all fine.

I fresh installed a 212 EVO and since then it's stopped working.

What could be causing the fans to turn off? Any help would be appreciated.

Fans will start spinning when temps reach 60C. Until then, they don't spin, and this is normal behavior, this is to preserve the fans and keep noise to the minimum. It is the so-called "semi-passive" mode.

Now, the screen artifacts you mention are NOT normal. It could be a faulty card.

pascal cards fan spin at 60c to preserve fan life also pascal can handle a lot of heat so 60c is normal for them.. thus they dont spin .. they only spin when the temp is abouve 60c

omg the auto feature sets the fan to their default fan curve .. which is to run at 0 if you aint above 60c if your fans where always running and u r sure it was not ur fan curve then the temp was simply higher than 60c thus it was running