GTX 1060 vs. GTX 1070 performance/price?

Jan 8, 2019

I'm currently looking into getting an upgrade for my graphics card, i'm currently rocking a GTX 960 2GB, which is sufficient in most cases, but with more modern titles i can feel it falling behind, even on reduced graphics.

I was looking at getting either a GTX 1060 ($320) or GTX 1070 ($550), but the price difference between them is fairly substantial for my current budget (~200$ difference), and i was wondering just how much better is the GTX 1070 compared to the GTX 1060?

I generally don't play graphics intensive games, and i don't need ultra-graphics, medium/high is sufficient for me, which i can do now with my GTX 960, but only at ~30fps or so and i would like it to be a bit higher FPS, so i want to avoid overspending on something i don't really need.

Current list of games: Ghost Recon Wildlands, CS:GO, Call of Duty and a few minor titles.

Hoping for some feedback! :)
Have you considered a 1060 3GB instead ? also what resolution is your monitor at ? 1080P 144p 4k?
here is a compare between what you have and the one I propose and the 1060 6gb your considering, note the lack of real differences between my suggestion and your choice. about cheaper by 50$...


That is some very close results indeed for the 1060 6gb and 1060 3gb model.
- Would the reduced amount of VideoRam make an impact on gaming in general or is most games running well within the 3gb limit?
there are few games which goes over 4GB vram, other than those few titles, card will work fine.
as for performance diff between 3gb and 6gb variant, 6gb version has more shaders, which can run more eye candy stuffs, but that depends on which card mmodel u will be gettin
main difference between all 1060s is with TDP (6pin pcie vs 8pin pcie plug)
8pin pcie version will give way more frames than difference between 3gb/6g variant
@J_E_D_70 - It's an i5 8400 on a asus prime z370-p board. FPS does increase as i decrease the graphics quality :)