GTX 1060 vs RX 480 for 3D Modelling


Sep 29, 2015
Hello people, I have a PC that I gave to my sister since she needs good performance workstation to do her things. She uses Autodesk software (AutoCAD, i think?) and SkecthUp.

When I tested the SketchUp program and run a pretty big file (she is in university, architecture), I notice it lags quite a lot. Some people suggests in some thread somewhere to upgrade the RAM, but when I checked the performance, the RAM had quite a lot space, but the GPU usage is maxed out.

So I thought, maybe I need a new GPU Card (am I wrong?)

My specs:
intel i7 3770 @3.4GHz
gtx 650 ti
8gb ram
cooler master elite v2 500w

With my budget, I could acquire a GTX 1060 or RX 480 since they're at the same price in my country, but I don't know if these GPU is good for Architecture stuff. And I don't know if bottleneck could happen with the old CPU.

Thanks people, and I'm open to the other suggestion!
Here is a little tip, AMD gains a lot more when paired with older CPU's when talking about DX 12. The reason is it helps with CPU bottle necks because of the hardware level Async but Nvidia cards would work better for programs like AutoCad. Get what ever is cheapest and if they are the same then i would say go with either one. Not really a bad choice here.

Both cards will help but remember with AMD you get a 256bit card with 8gb ram ( might help )and the ability to add a second later where as the 1060 does not have async compute at the hardware level and can not be paired with a 2nd GPU and is only 192bit. If your rendering program supports DX12 you will see better gains from a AMD card but if it's DX11 only then Nvidia is your...
Here is a little tip, AMD gains a lot more when paired with older CPU's when talking about DX 12. The reason is it helps with CPU bottle necks because of the hardware level Async but Nvidia cards would work better for programs like AutoCad. Get what ever is cheapest and if they are the same then i would say go with either one. Not really a bad choice here.

Both cards will help but remember with AMD you get a 256bit card with 8gb ram ( might help )and the ability to add a second later where as the 1060 does not have async compute at the hardware level and can not be paired with a 2nd GPU and is only 192bit. If your rendering program supports DX12 you will see better gains from a AMD card but if it's DX11 only then Nvidia is your choice. Hmm seems like i might have made the choice more murky than before lol.
The 3770 is still a very good and very fast CPU so your first point is a bit irrelevant but yeah, those are some things for OP to consider (not sure if this will even matter anymore as this is a fairly old thread.