Gtx 1070 4k?

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Mar 19, 2016
Based on the recently released specs of the Gtx 1070, does anyone think any games on a 4k display would run well? Or would you need to give some bigger bucks for that kind of stuff?
As long as dev's develop games to push 1080p, 4K will never be able to be played on a single GPU at maxed settings and 60 FPS in many titles. As soon as a card is able to, the dev's will just start adding higher settings.

The sooner you realize that you need to turn down a few settings for 4K, the better.

this will probably be the case for some time but i hope we can move to 4k gaming sooner than later. right now the best option for 4k is the GTX1080 and even then you'll probably need to turn down some settings to enjoy the game at 60fps.

You can move to 4K whenever you like. The only difference in doing it now, is the dev's are still creating high end graphical settings so the 1080p crowd has a reason to have high end hardware. If they decided to abandon 1080p now, you'd have the same settings that your PC can handle at 4K (the new Ultra would be what medium to high looks like now).

1080p will always be capable of showing higher settings. To make 4K playable at "max" settings, they simply would have to stop giving us high end settings for 1080p.

You can achieve that same result by simply lowering your settings and use 4K now.
We don't know how they are going to Gimp it this time round, best to wait for benchmarks.
If you want 60 Fps @ 4k settings will have to be lowered. With 4k you never need AA on though.

I agree with what you are saying but what i meant was that for us regular folks, it's going to be a while before we could achieve 4K 60fps on high-ultra settings at a considerable price. Right now, even if there is a rig capable of doing so, it will cost way too much.
i'd guess the next round of cards in a year or so will be what you are thinking. those will probably let us get 4k without spending $1000+ on gpu's

frankly it's not worth it to me. 1080p looks good enough and will be super cheap with the new amd and nvidia cards.

But in a year or so, when those new cards come out, the dev's will deliver even higher end settings for the 1080p users. You'll still have to lower settings to use 4K.

Of course you can use 4K now, and just use the settings it can handle. It'll always be lower settings than 1080p can handle. You just have to decide what looks better to you, max 1080p or medium to high 4K.

that's the choice you have to make. pay the money to get it now or wait until there is something better and enjoy it down the road. you can't have it both ways no matter how much you want to.
So with the new benchmarks out for the 1070 (As fast as a titan x) Would 1440p 60hz be better or 1080p 144hz?

You can now get 1440p 144hz 27inch IPS displays but they are pricey.

I had a BenQ-XL2411Z 1080p 144hz , great in gaming but looked wrong in windows. So I changed it for a BenQ XL2430T.
Which is 10x better colors and comfortable in windows. Still only 1080p And yes playing games at 144hz is lovely and super smooth.

If I change it back to 60hz it feels horrid.

But I still want to change to a 1440p 144hz 27 inch IPS monitor in the future, As non glossy TN displays really do lack the clarity.

I never thought of that. I just got a 4k days ago and that makes sense.. more smaller pixels mean sharp edges. Thanks for pointing that out. Should save some performance.

Almost a year late, but i dont care, 2k = 2048x1080. 2560x1440 is QuadHD


dont worry about the 1070. to have try both (1070-1080) have win only 8-10 fps more with gtx 1080 than the 1070.
im running really well last game like andromeda ,fh3 , and titanfall 2 at medium-high 60 fps non stop. ok ultra setting forget it but even at medium in 4k its f..... awesome. . a good cpu like 7400-7500 and a 1070 and its enough 🙂 its always a question about money too . if you can wait for the 1080ti go for it

I do not see the point in dropping high end settings for 1080p. All that happens is that 1080p users have lower quality than they otherwise would have, and 4K users get the same experience as always. If they make it so 4K users can max out games on a single card, all they are doing is hiding higher end settings and relabeling what used to be medium or high, and calling it Ultra.

Nothing changes. You just have to have the ability to lower some settings.

I see this question all over the internet, and I'd like to answer it once and for all. First of all, this is my system:

Windows 10 Home 64-bit
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6402P CPU @ 2.80GHz (4 CPUs)
Memory: 24gb
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8gb

I just purchased a 4k monitor, and it runs smoothly with this setup. Like everyone else, I wasn't sure if the graphics card could handle it. Well it does, easily. Granted, you won't be able to run everything on Ultra at 60 FPS, but turning down to High settings is well worth it. The picture is crisp, the colors are vibrant, and it feels like looking through a window.

My theory is that the extra RAM helps my computer keep up. So if you have a 1070, you might want to invest in the RAM as well. Today I played Elite: Dangerous and Battleground on Ultra (the latter of which I decided to turn down to High when I got a frame rate drop). I couldn't be happier with my choice of buying this monitor.

Point being... GO FOR IT!
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