GTX 1070 and Intel HD 530


Jun 30, 2016
Hello again guys , I have one more question .

I do have two screens , one connected to the GTX 1070 and the other one to the Intel HD 530

Why do I'm using this ? I'm not sure if it compatible to use Quick Sync when I'm not connecting the second screen , because not in windows 10 I'm not enable anymore to create a fake screen .

Anyway , why question are : Who can I know if my games are running with the GTX and not with the integrated graphic ? There's anyway to make by default the GTX ? What do you advice me , to use GTX in both screens or do you think I should use also the integrated graphics ?

If you want to play a game on both screens, then use the GTX for both screens. If you want to use 1 screen for games and the second screen for other things, then use the Intel HD for the second screen. Always have your main screen connected to your GTX to ensure you are using your GTX for games.
just to be exact I want to use it for OBS , streaming and other things . In OBS I usually choose GTX as a graphic card capture , but my obs are open in the second monitor ( intel HD 530 ). Using the second graphic do I help my first one ? Because the iGPU are using my main gtx and CPU , do I'm understanding it well ?