GTX 1070 bad performance


Jul 18, 2016
I upgraded my graphics card from a evga 750 ti FTW, to a gigabyte g1 gaming gtx 1070. I was getting fps somewhere in the 200s in minecraft without shaders and 50s with shaders on my old card, and I have read that some people with their 1070s get about 200 fps with shaders. However, with my new card, i get anywhere from 40-50 with shaders and anywhere in the 100s without. I know what the 1070 is capable of, as there is many youtube videos of doom and other games at 1440 with really good performance. My minecraft performance has decreased with the installation of the new card and my performance in other games hasnt really changed much. With valley benchmark I can get 80ish fps on the highest settings as opposed to low teens to low 20s. I did a fresh driver installation, so that isn't the problem, and the power supply shouldn't be a problem, but I'm not sure. I also upgraded it from a 350W, which worked completely fine with the 750ti FTW that i overclocked a bit. That card was supposed to use about 75W and this 1070 is supposed to use about 180 which is roughly 100 w increase. Therefore having a 500W power supply which is a 150W increase, should be fine. I would simply like to know why my performance is so poor, when it was better with my 750ti.

My specs:

Cpu: Amd FX 4300 quad core processor (4.1 Ghz)
Graphics: Gigabtye G1 gaming gtx 1070
Power Supply: EVGA 500w 80+ bronze

8gb of ram, 1600x900 resolution, and my motherboard brand is msi, but idk what kind it is.
The problem is that your processor isn't compatible with your GPU . Basically the bottlenecking ( Which means the drop of the FPS due to processor issues ) that you are facing won't stop unless you buy a new processor , I know that this is a bad news . What you don't know is that the processor is responsible for atleast 40% of the FPS and in advanced games like open world games more than 50 % of the FPS are generated by the processor. I want you to do a experiment , remove the GPU then run the PC and open Minecraft for example . You will notice that the game can run at 40 - 60 FPS the reason is that the processor has a built-in Graphical card . So all I can say is that the Gtx 1070 is a monster GPU and your processor isn't compatible...
I have i5 6500 cpu and I also do get low fps in some games, but decent results in benchmark tools..
Something is holding it back. I see people playing Nfs on yt with 120-130fps on Ultra with the same card but I get 100fps max and it drops aaaall the way down to 50. I even had 30fps scenarios in Sprint Races..
Not happy. 🙁

edit: it was RAM memory that was bottlenecking my gpu, with new ram I have no issues, and my gpu usage is high as it should be.
Its clear as day your processor is bottle necking the potential of 1070 you need to upgrade to AMD FX 6300 which costs abt 8k that is more than enough to see a change in fps

I looked up how to tell if the cpu was bottlenecking the gpu, and it said that the cpu usage would be pretty high, like 70% or more, and the gpu load would be lower. When running the valley benchmark, my cpu usage is about 45% and the gpu load goes to the 90s.
The problem is that your processor isn't compatible with your GPU . Basically the bottlenecking ( Which means the drop of the FPS due to processor issues ) that you are facing won't stop unless you buy a new processor , I know that this is a bad news . What you don't know is that the processor is responsible for atleast 40% of the FPS and in advanced games like open world games more than 50 % of the FPS are generated by the processor. I want you to do a experiment , remove the GPU then run the PC and open Minecraft for example . You will notice that the game can run at 40 - 60 FPS the reason is that the processor has a built-in Graphical card . So all I can say is that the Gtx 1070 is a monster GPU and your processor isn't compatible because it's built-in Graphical card is weak i know 4.1 GHz is good but as I said the problem is that the Built-in GPU is weak , so you can sell your processor and go for an i5 6600k for 228$ which won't ever bottleneck or if you have a plenty of money you can go for an i7 6700k

The FX 4300 does not have integrated graphics.
To DragonBeast while it is definitely true that this CPU is pretty bad, with or without a GTX1070.. why did you get a GPU that is worth more then your entire system all together?
You should have used your money to get a better System, and then get a decent/good GPU.
I do not know what else you plan on playing on your PC, but at that Resolution you are more then fine with a GTX1060.
And Minecraft is a very CPU depending game because it's written in Java.
Only advice I can give to is ditch your AMD FX4300 and get a decent I5.
Or wait for ZEN (AMD's new CPU line) and see how that turns out.


Well, I would like to tell you that you're right and this is the problem, but it's not. See I have a computer using and Amd FX 6300 and I have an Intel i7 computer. The card has been in both computers and the FPS is bad on both of them. Changing the processor isn't really the answer.

som3roid, what kind of RAM did you have and what was your replacement?

I am having a similar issue, my GTX 1070 paired with the i7 7700k is not giving anything close to the benchmark results I see online, and I think this might be due to RAM. I am using only one stick of 16GB DDR4, and some benchmark tools report it as being at 1066Mhz, even though the BIOS is reporting it as it is, 2133Mhz.

Everything else is functioning fine, even though it seems I didn't do very well in the silicon lottery, because it seems my 7700k is scoring at the 47% percentile 😀

I just dont want to order more RAM if my issue is the card or something else. Is there a way to spot the problem when the RAM is the cause?? Benchmark tools that can show them functioning in a suboptimal way?

Thank you!