GTX 1070 Built-in Cooler VS Accelero Xtreme IV


Mar 24, 2016
Hi, i'm going to change some of my PC Hardwares due to some issues and the title says it all; I'd like to know which cooler is better and why... i was suggested this "accelero xtreme iv" from arctic... i've had overheating issues with my card in the past and wish to prevent it in the future... so, does the gpu's cooler good enough? is this accelero better? i heard that it's super silent but to be frank, noise is what i care the least...

Thanks in advance for anyone who spared the time to help me out!
If turns out the this accelero xtreme is a better choice, i will buy one!
The GPU cooler will only work as good as its environment lets it. If the interior of your case is hot and has poor airflow, then even the best GPU cooler will have issues cooling the GPU. With a hot case, all even the best cooler is doing is blowing more hot air over the GPU. This is the point that you may want to consider water cooling.

Yes i know. I forgot to mention i got a new case as well, one with better air flow but i still wanna have a good cooling solution just because.


I do not have it yet. Should be in a delivery van somewhere on the streets.

The model is "GV-N1070G1 Gaming-8GD"

So you mean you had over heating issues with the old card not the 1070? The one you linked is the massive triple fan from gigabyte. I wouldn't change it out, otherwise I would have opted for the stock turbine style cooler, saved some money, and then replaced it. If your overheating with the gigabyte 1070 then you need to re-evaluate airflow.

Yes i had issues with a 780 and now i'm switching out... but in terms of pure effectiveness, regardless of money, which one is better ? cuz the accelero is also tripe fan...

Don't think any one here is going to be able to give you that information. You would need to find a site that has actually conducted an experiment.