GTX 1070 - Graphics Missing , Purple Textures / Stretched Textures

Ashley Bostock

May 25, 2017
GTX 1070 - Graphics Missing , Purple Textures / Stretched Textures

So recently today, i was in the middle of a game of Overwatch, When suddenly, All the textures starting playing up, Block textures, stretched, Purple lines appearing all over the place, it was unplayable.

So i did some digging to find out what was up, Turns out its not just Overwatch, Nearly all my games i have tested are doing it, and some games are not even launching, just giving me Errors.

Here are the things i tested so far :
- Updated my graphics driver to the latest
- Tried a different Resolution and screen Refresh rate. (from 75-60)
- And some heavy hours of research on the internet for examples of this occuring for others and i cant find any.

I'm hoping its not damaged my GPU, as some games run with no issues, for example Rocket league i get no issues, but after Overwatch, i tested, Diablo 3, WoW, Planet Coasters and they are all doing it.

I'm finding it near impossible to get a screenshot as the purple/blue flashing textures appear so quick and disappear cant grab it.


In this image you can see that on the left there is a difference in textures.

So i did some more digging and ran a FurMark test, here are the results:

Also ran Heaven benchmark 4.0 - a lot of textures were flashing blue when getting close up, from a distance they seemed fine.

Computer details are below:
GPU details below:

Processor :
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700k CPU @ 4.00GHz
MB: ASUS pro gaming Z170
Monitor : 2560x1080 resolution with 75 hertz .
Any other info please ask will be checking this thread every few hours.

EDIT: After tonight in the middle of playing overwatch, the issue resolved itself for about 45 minutes, and came back, then went again, and came back...
Scrap that came back turns out the graphics card is buggered. windows itself was not rendering, games wouldnt load, tested in a different machine same issue. taking it back to the vendor "inno3d"