[SOLVED] GTX 1070 Hybrid FTW making buzzing noise ?


Feb 23, 2018
Hello everyone hope your day is going great!

So just 2 days ago I’ve received my GTX 1070 Hybrid FTW I purchased ON eBay for 260 dollars and yes it’s used. The seller had 12 of these in stock so I’m assuming these were used for mining or workstation not to sure.

Upon receiving the card the shroud just had some wears but not serious, some scratches here and there. I tested the card before opening it up to clean it up since it was a bit dusty and it worked also no issues with the AIO at all since temps are normal (pump functions normally as well).

When I opened up the card it had this weird oil residue all over the PCB and it’s source is the thermal pads. Not too sure if it’s a issue or that it’ll damage the card since it still ran fine sucks that I also ran out of 99% IPA which I used on my 970 and it worked out well.

So besides all that cleaned the card, replaced thermal paste and surprisingly the owner never opened up the card as it still had the thermal paste applied from the factory and it was dried up (forgot to mention it still had the warranty sticker hiding the screw to opening up the GPU)

So after doing all that again everything worked fine and temps decreased by a bit and replaced the junk fan with a static pressure one. Though after the 2 days the card seems to emite this weird buzzing noise or maybe a coil whine not to sure, but it’s audible even when my glass panel is on but when I take it off I can definitely hear it.

Could this be an issue with the card itself, I really hope it’s not failing on me also my PSU is a Corsair RM750 (2019 rev) so it should be more than enough and I had it for about a year now with no issues.
If its a very faint whine noise coming from the card, I really wouldn't pay much mind to it, unless its get louder over time.
Use gpu-z when you game or do anything graphics work related to see if the card is staying cool and the voltages are stable.
If its a very faint whine noise coming from the card, I really wouldn't pay much mind to it, unless its get louder over time.
Use gpu-z when you game or do anything graphics work related to see if the card is staying cool and the voltages are stable.
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Yeah I have GPU-Z and I'm stress testing the card with MSI Kombuster.

Voltages are constant so I guess thats stable like it's not spiking and temps under load are under 60c specifically 53c.

Getting 12.1v on PCIE same goes for 8-pin #1 and 2 voltages.

Board power draw max I seen was around 160w

Is this good, sorry still very new to measuring stuff like this?