gtx 1070 low fps


Sep 7, 2016
Hello i have a
ryzen 1600
evga gtx 1070
8gb ddr 4

i seem to be getting very low fps not even hitting 60 fps in most game is there any reason for this
i have the latest drives of 23,10,18 same with chipset and bios everything is up to date is it the ram that is giving me problems
Powercool is a junk brand, I woudl suggest upgrading to something of quality like a Seasonic FOCUS 550, Corsair TX550, EVGA G2 or G3 550. If you're on a budget then the Corsair CX550 (grey and black text) or Corsair CX550M would be the best choice.

A bad PSU can cause inconsistent FPS as well as just risking your hardware to Chinese junk is not advised.

so upgrade psu to a better brand. could there be anything else ?

benQ gl2450 85hz and yes i have tired

yes i have drivers 416.34

Either way that psu is not going to last and when it goes it will most likely take the pc with it.

Obviously with a 320M motherboard you can not OC the 1600. So your 1600 is performing exactly as spec-ed.

Nonetheless, TWO things jump out when looking at this. The biggest being the 1x8GB memory. This is cutting your memory bandwidth by half. You are getting only 13.7 GB/s vs. like my 2x4GB doing 32.8 GB/s.

That is a massive hit. You are already using the slower cheaper 2133 speed memory and then to deprive yourself the dual channel option with a single stick, this is going to really hurt. On top of it, Ryzen does like slow memory to start with. Whether the cost benefit can be justified for 3600 or higher speed super high-end memory where the pricing premium get ridiculous is whole other debate, you want to be in dual channel memory operation, be it 2x4B or 2x8GB, even with cheaper slower memory this alone will make a big difference.

The second thing is that Sandisk SSD. It is performing as expected, but the that is some slow SSD. 219MB/s vs your HDD of 133MB/s is not really that great. Typically people buy SATA SSDs with expectations of ball park 400MB/s. Normally you might be able to get away with it, but you are compounding that with half the memory bandwidth. That is really going to make things hiccup.

i just ordered another stick of the same ram. I have it OCed to 2666 so i will be runing dual channel with 16gb